Lunar Eclipse Thunder Moon Ritual By Kai Camillo

June 7, 2020 Off By Fire and Lux

From a folklore standpoint the seasons and their relationship to the Moon are potent phases to work roots, conjure and spellcraft.

If we follow the gift of any éclipse’s relationship to our consciousness here on earth, it is a clear metaphor of the unseen for a brief period to emerge, but also for the easily perceived to hide under the covers of light into shadow.

Celestial events such as these are welcomed editions of l’esprit power which can aid any path if one is willing to sit and acknowledge the hidden inside our psyches, hearts and bodies.

Partnering with my friend Fire & Lux we hope to offer suggestions and insight on how to navigate a celestial event of this magnitude.

The energy of a Half Moon entering a Full Moon is perfect for clearing the skeletons of what was being built in our lives that no longer serves our future progress. When we arrive in a new fruition of self-knowledge we become full of the ability to finally let go of dis-empowering connections such as poverty thinking, old resentments, really deep emotional blockages, unprocessed grievances, and basically all the suffering empathic or hypersensitive humans absorb from interacting with their social spheres from day to day.

As an easy ritual within my traditions of Animism & Islande Roots, I have prepared a bowl of water with herbs & oils like cedar, coconut oil, rue and calendula, and morning glory petals to bathe my head (crown) as the beginning of the eclipse reaches its travel, thus preparing the vessel (this body) to release in a smooth and natural process.

As the afternoon begins from Half Moon to Blood Moon I will adorn crimson coloured hues to honour the warrior class of my Ancestors. The incense of choice that I will offer to all my altars will be sandalwood and dragonsblood. By this act I am acknowledging the battles my path has endured and allowing a place of healing to manifest.

As the evening of the Thunder Blood Moon peaks, I will switch my spiritual jewelry (armor) and apparel to grays and blue hues to embark of the full release of this transformative time in my life. For those who work candle magick it is also customary to give offerings or do a cut and clear candle working for the really deep wounds we have been carrying and return those energies to the grave where their fight can finally rest.

Whatever type of ritual, you the reader decide for yourself. I hope at the very least you can see the éclipse for yourself and enjoy your own path to healing, many blessings and à bientôt.

-Kai Camillo Birds of Prey

Crown of Fangs LLC


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