Weed, Witches and Hallucinogenics by Karo
June 7, 2020Wondering how witches incorporate the use of Cannabis in their craft? Well, we may be able to provide some interesting information regarding the history and modern uses of marijuana and similar mind-altering herbs in witchcraft. From our ancestors to the modern witches of today, the use of hallucinogenic herbs has been essential in various practices. Most notably, the use of mind-altering herbs was used to reach altered states of consciousness which assisted the practitioners to commune with spirits. Those who have difficulty contacting the spirit world or entering into deep meditation have found various plants or herbs to remedy this difficulty.
Though we may lack solid evidence of marijuana being utilized for this practice, during the middle ages we can confidently assert the use of belladonna, henbane and mandrake, in European countries. These ointments were typically applied vaginally with the use of a broomstick as a means to enter flight arriving at the witches Sabbath and communing with the old one, familiar spirits, demons and other such spirit beings, creating pacts, engaging in orgies and gaining new spirit allies. For the indigenous tribes of Amazon Basin, ayahuasca was ingested during healing ceremonies for divination purposes; usually the diagnoses of an ailment to be cured by the shaman.
*To clarify, ingesting mind-altering herbs and plants or even the topical use of them are not required to enter these altered states of consciousness. I myself have learned to reach these higher astral planes through meditation, the use of the labyrinth and the use of music as a means to detach from the physical plane. However for those who are interested in utilizing mind-altering hallucinogenic, I recommend first performing the proper due diligence for safety precautions as most of the commonly used plants or herbs tend to be poisonous.*
Fast forward to our current generation, modern witches are not opposed to the use of Cannabis to engage in these magickal flights to the Sabbath or obtain assistance during divination. Marijuana, in my opinion, is a safer alternative than the use of poisonous herbs such as belladonna, henbane or mugwort. One can smoke it, drink it or even sniff it prior to commencing a magickal ceremony or divination session to speed up the process of entering into an altered state of mind. There is also the issue of being able to smoke cannabis and still maintain the focus necessary to successfully execute your goal. We all know this lovely herb can cause some serious laughter. It is recommended to take no more than a couple of puffs to avoid interruptions of the goal in mind.
Magickal Properties:
1. Abundance
2. Amplification
3. Cleansing
4. Death
5. Healing
6. Love
7. Money
8. Protection
9. Sex
10. Sleep
11. Spirit communication
12. Protection
13. Magnifies any spell or ritual work.
Additionally, many are now turning to CBD as a way of healing. It is said to reduce pain, nausea and seizures. Furthermore, it helps reduce anxiety, stress and headaches, and more. Many ingest this oil through a vape or by topical use. You can even place it in a bath or use bath bombs infused with CBD which has recently become very popular. Though CBD may not be very effective in mind-altering rituals as it does not cause one to gain a psychedelic experience, it can certainly be a means for healing one’s body and mind.
No matter what route you decide to take on the use of hallucinogenic, be sure you are fully aware of what you are consuming and where it is coming from. Other than that, enjoy the ride!