The Aura + Exercise by Christopher Winters

June 8, 2020 Off By Fire and Lux

The aura, depending on who is discussing it, is described in various, often contradictory, ways and terms, and the value of the aura itself is squandered in the war of intellectual insecurity. Some will claim quite rigidly that the aura has an absolute number of layers to it while others elaborate endlessly on the visual displays themselves. What the practitioner can generally infer is that the aura is an expression of our energetic signature, and it is bound to be just as unique as the individual. A consideration that should not be taken lightly is that, to each of our senses, all stimulation that we encounter is highly subjective and nuanced by sensitivity and conditioned inoculation. We should expect the same of our ability to perceive the subtle aura. If we are lucky enough to spontaneously encounter an aura at all, it may very well be taken for granted or casually unnoticed, for the aura does not appear quite like it is popularly depicted in various media. I’m certain we’re all familiar with the typical ovoid shape. In their truer display, contingent upon the spiritual development of the person we are “viewing” as well as our own aptitude for seeing them, auras present themselves in a broad spectrum of shapes, textures and patterns. Some appear as scattered spots of gaseous light, some as a centralized cluster; others, still, appear as unique shapes/compositions altogether. Some auras appear to have a jagged quality to them, while others appear soft as velvet and flow freely as water. Some may appear to be leaking or damaged, while others, usually those that have done conscious spiritual work to augment them, appear as the impressive ovoid. Unfortunately, despite what some authors may want you to believe, there is no tacit agreement as to what each texture, shape, etc. implies about the person being viewed.


For those of you curious to attempt to increase your ability to view the aura (more specifically, those of you that have never before seen one), I recommend trying the following:

1. Sit before a large mirror (one in which you can properly see your head and shoulders at least).

2. Concentrate on your breathing for a few minutes. Alternate nostril breathing is highly recommended.

3. Raise your right hand, palm facing forward. Then move the hand backwards until it is a few inches behind your head. Then move it to the right of your head another 4 inches or so.

4. Allow your gaze to soften as your eyes rest on your palm in the reflection and also the space between your palm and your head (using your peripheral vision).

5. Soon, the first layer of the aura will appear, a distinct white outline around the frame of the head and shoulders. See how long you can maintain this visually before it fades. Do not be afraid to blink.

With practice, the hand will no longer be needed to achieve this result. In time, the eyes will begin to perceive the aura more deeply and elaborately.