Fall Equinox/Libra Season by @fireandlux

September 22, 2020 Off By Fire and Lux

On September 22nd, we entered the Fall Equinox (in the Northern hemisphere and Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). During this time day and night become almost completely equal. The sun leaves Virgo entering Libra. Libra is the sign of balance and with the change of seasons we are called to restructure parts of ourselves and our lives that may be overpowering, causing a state of imbalance.

During this Libra season, however, be aware of the intensified energies that may come about given that we are still in Mars retrograde, until November 3rd, and shortly we will enter Mercury retrograde on October 13th.

So, what should we expect and how do we deal with all this craziness?

Well for starters, during any retrograde it is always ideal to give yourself room for letting go of old patterns and restructuring foundation. Issues will come about; however, if we can take a step back and refrain from reacting, we will already be ahead of the game. This is not a time to react but rather to rethink, rework, restore and refresh. Stick to re’s with the exception of (react).

Mars is the planet of aggression and action; however, when stationed-retrograde it tends to increase our aggression causing us to lash out and act in anger and emotion. During this time, we may also lack the desire and determination to reach our goals. We tend to get a bit lazy and careless. Be present and understand that these energies may affect us but ultimately given that we are aware of their effects, it is our responsibility to work against them. If you see yourself getting lazy and uninterested in your day to day tasks, give yourself a break and change things up.

Mercury which rules over our communication can cause some confusion, discord and fear. While Mercury may cause a delay in gathering, understanding and properly implementing information, we have the opportunity to slow down our mind and thoroughly think things through prior to making any final decisions.

Remember, astrology is here to helps us understand what is causing certain shifts and energies; therefore, use it to your advantage.