Pisces Season 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

February 19, 2021 Off By Karo

We have now entered Pisces season, it is the end of our journey this Zodiac year. Now is a time to look back in reflection at this cycle, which began on March 19, 2020, that is closing. The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, a dual sign, representing beginnings and endings. I consider Pisces season to be the metaphorical bridge, connecting the spiritual realm and the material world. With one foot in each realm, grounding during these times can feel quite challenging. How can you keep your third eye open without escaping reality? How can we shed this last year and prepare for what is to come?

Pisces is a mutable water sign. This means they are emotional and sensitive but are both adaptable and flexible to changes. Pisces itself is a very psychic sign, ruled by Neptune, the planet of the unseen. Naturally Piscean folks are intuitive and empathic with a touch of a dreamy romantic. They have a beautiful creative side to them that if embraced, can help them ground their floaty energy and feel more stable.

Like every other sign, Pisces comes with its share of shadows. Due to their dreamy nature, staying in touch with reality, running away with their imaginations, living in denial, being unfocused, victim mentality and being easily manipulated are the lessons to be worked through.

This season is wonderful for getting in touch with our inner mystic. Using automatic writing, amethyst, tarot or oracle cards, or even some candle magick to connect with your higher self or your guides are some simple ways to embrace our intuition. If you have a hobby or inner passion that allows you to create, now is the time to be doing more of it! A creative outlet can mean anything from baking to music to running to painting, there are no limits or labels to how you can express yourself. But because emotions can be running high, we need to remember to keep balanced. It is imperative that we take time to ground our energy with self-care, meditation, breathwork, being out in nature getting vitamin D and fresh air, eating root veggies, moving our bodies, working with crystals like black tourmaline and jasper and the very most important thing, REST! Please be sure to be resting your physical bodies and your spirit!

On February 25th, Venus enters Pisces, and we put on our rose colored glasses in relation to love. Venus in Pisces favors romance, fantasies and pure affection. The Virgo full moon occurs on February 27th which brings a healing energy that can help us feel more grounded during this first part of Pisces season. Mercury will go direct, hopefully alleviating any confusing or fuzzy miscommunication issues that popped up while the retrograde was in full force. Welcome back clarity! You were missed the last few weeks!

Mantras to Fully Tap into the Pisces Energy:

I embrace my inner mystic
I create freely
I am both grounded and flowing
I am present
It is okay for me to rest
I accept my emotions but they do not control me
I am woke AF

I leave this past year behind, I shed what no longer serves me and I am open and ready for my new cycle

A new Zodiac year, a new beginning, a new cycle is a thing of beauty. There is excitement and anticipation surrounding the unknown of what is to come. With a positive mind and calm energy, be open to the changes that lie ahead.

About Erin: Erin is a mother, writer, intuitive empath, 5D soul guide, esoteric healer and spiritual business mentor. She works with empaths and lightworkers on their spiritual journeys in unconscious energy healing and is a psychic tarot and intuitive birth chart reader. Erin is the host of the #groundedandglam Modern Mystics and Motherhood podcast on iTunes and Spotify and you can watch her on her YouTube channel. She is currently doing a Shift Your Vibes Energy Session via Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm PST. Contact her to book any of her services. You can find her at:

