Leo Season 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 23, 2021 Off By Fire and Lux

Alright FireandLux Fam, it is your time to shine! Leo season is here and it is bursting out the seams of one hell of a slow, moody and emotional Cancer season!

If you have been feeling down, stuck or extra sensitive the last few weeks, you weren’t alone. Let’s bring some vitality back to our souls! Leo season is here to do just that! This year Leo season starts on July 22 and goes through August 22.

Let’s step into our very best selves these next 30 days!

Leo is the 5th sign of the Zodiac, a Fixed fire sign, which means they are the builders. They build and grow off what inspires them. And it’s passion that fuels that fire.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and together they rule the fifth house, commonly known as the “House of Pleasure” but also includes fun, romance and sexual attraction, children, creation, self-expression and what makes us feel good!

Leo is commonly represented by the Lion, as Leo’s are proud, bold, brave and embody a sense of reality. I always say I can spot a Leo in the room, they have a certain je ne sais quoi. They just shine, and drip confidence. They have huge hearts, are very warm and playful.

But like any other sign they too have their shadows, and this one is kind of major: The ego! Leo is ruled by the Sun, the Sun believes it’s the center of the Universe, therefore Leo has a little trouble seeing outside of themselves. And although they may not mean it, they can be very selfish, overly dramatic and need A LOT of attention.

For this Sun rotation we can all expect a major confidence boost and energy which will be a welcomed change from the more down energy many of us experienced during Cancer season.

We will feel rejuvenated, getting some of our prana or life force energy back.

What is inspiring us?

What are we passionate about?

What brings us joy?

Let’s have some freaking fun already everyone! It is time for us to stand in our power, be bold and brave in our pursuits. It is your time to shine and to stand out! Because Leo operates by passion, they are destined for success.

It’s time for us to recognize what light’s us on fire and go for it!!! Tap into that creative self-expression and show-off and show-out a little! The sexual heat will also be turned up a few notches, especially while Venus is still in Leo.

Above all, this is a time to believe in yourself, remember you co-create your reality and your story with the Divine, so create something magickal!

A few things to take note of while the Sun is in Leo. Watch your egos!!!! The ego is necessary because at one time it protected you while you were in need but you do not want the shadow of the ego to take over. This means letting entities like people pleasing, always needing to be in control, negative self-talk, comparison, codependency, lack of boundaries, and fear take over. As well, with all that passion and heat flying around, we might have a tendency to act like divas, save that for Mariah Carey, no one likes a drama queen.

Let’s take this next month to truly find what brings us pleasure and live in our joy! I can’t think of anything better than that!

About Erin: Erin is a mother, writer, intuitive empath, 5D soul guide, esoteric healer and spiritual business mentor. She works with empaths and lightworkers on their spiritual journeys in unconscious energy healing and is a psychic tarot and intuitive birth chart reader. Erin is the host of the #groundedandglam Modern Mystics and Motherhood podcast on iTunes and Spotify and you can watch her on her YouTube channel. She is currently doing a Shift Your Vibes Energy Session via Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm PST. Contact her to book any of her services. You can find her at:


