A Transmission with a Mercurial Spirit: Embrace the Journey of Healing

August 5, 2021 Off By Fire and Lux

While riding out these tumultuous waves, my soul yearns for solace. And solace was I given!

But in such comfort and stasis, my mind digs deeper and deeper—discovering jarring emotions sealed and chained.

Is this the magician’s ascent?

To be confronted by the inner machinations of my own psyche? What use is it to look into an abysmal past or bittersweet ephemera?

Certainly, there must be an efficient way to attain wisdom or to elevate one’s spirit! So why am I jested?

A voice, clement yet sonorous, rings into the recesses of my mind.

“Jest I not. These wounds are plenty. You are but a woman scorned and a wounded child.”

“What folly is it to ruminate on the scourge of time! These versions of myself do not hold forbearance nor grace.”

“I ask of you to look closer. Have you held yourself with much dignity or do you yet cower at the world behind a facade? What use is your magic if these patterns brave repeating? Surely you wish to make the most of your time on this earthly plane!”

Taken aback by this spirit’s surmise, I ask myself “Do I carry the weight comparable to that of Atlas?”

“No weight is greater than carrying the world on your shoulders. I ask of you to heal and to carry the stakes of Chiron. To heal yourself is to prepare to heal the world around you. For if you cannot mend your own affliction, can you bear to understand the human condition? What use is your magic if you allow the scourge of time, man, and self-compound against you? Go within, and leave your time minimal to displeasures and distractions. Seek wisdom not only from within but from those who have gained the grace and knowledge in the arts of healing.

But use your discernment, for the vermin are plenty. I ask of you to embark on a journey where you find the goodwill of the divine within yourself and through which your magic will be empowered. Here I bid farewell and good luck, until our next encounter.”

I sit in awe, recollecting and digesting the conversation between the spirit and I.

For wisdom and efficacy of magic is not only to be found in books or by word of mouth, but by the embracing and healing of old wounds. That perhaps there is sageness in not just triumph, but in benevolence and in showing mercy to a past that has yet to have much resolve. With this instilled wisdom, may we pass the torch to continue healing those who seek. With healed wounds, may we progress and strengthen our own sphere.

A transmission with a mercurial spirit

Author of the article is Nikki Grace and you can follow her at @slowswords_ and @hermercurialstrike