Fire and Lux Horoscopes October 31 to November 7, 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
November 2, 2021We are coming into a magickal and spiritual week and heading into November, can you believe that FireandLux fam?
This week brings us a powerful New Moon in Scorpio and the date 11/5 to keep your third eye on.
Are you guys ready? Read on to see what’s in store for your Sun sign this week. . .
Aries (3/20-4/21) – What can you take action on this week that will initiate a personal transformation, Aries? This New Moon in Scorpio is asking you to take some initiation and take the first step and set things in motion forward.
Taurus (4/22- 5/20) – The New Moon is in Scorpio which happens to be your sister sign, Taurus. This means it is a good time to lean into the Scorpio qualities and bring some much needed balance in. It might be a good time to lean into your spirituality more.
Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – Shadow work is coming up for you big time Gemini. It is certainly not your idea of fun, by any means, but this work is necessary, especially with all the Scorpio energy influencing us now.
Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Time to unblock that throat chakra and express yourself Cancer! Don’t bottle up your emotions until the point of explosion. Find constructive ways to clearly articulate how you are feeling.
Leo (7/23-8/22) – This moon is starting a new cycle for you, Leo. Set your intentions around new beginnings and what you’d like to manifest. Use this magickal moon energy to put your desires out there.
Virgo (8/23-922) – Have you felt a little disconnected from your inner light lately? Like your essence has dimmed out a bit due to being overwhelmed. Perhaps it’s time to find your way back. Check out some personal development courses, get some Reiki or a reading, and don’t forget true self care.
Libra (9/23-11/21) – You too need to restore some energy Libra. If you have been doing a lot of giving lately, it is time to give back to yourself. A little bit of alone time can help, try some meditating or journaling too.
Scorpio (10/22-11/21) – I am getting major “Season of the Witch” vibes for you this week Scorpio. Time to take the magick up a notch. Harness the power of the moon, the energy of Scorpio season and these spiritual few days to do your bidding boo! You are a force this week.
Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Are you getting enough rest? Enough water? Enough movement? Enough alone time? Enough nourishment? Are you Sag, be honest with yourself? Do a little self-assessment and restore some harmony back to your life.
Capricorn (12/22-1/20) – You will never be anything less than a badass, successful boss, Capricorn. Use the energy of this moon and set intentions around what you want to see grow in order for you to feel you’ve hit that success marker.
Aquarius (1/21-2/17) – Is there something you are being a bit stubborn about this week Aquarius. As open minded as you are, you can still be very fixed. Take a bird’s eye view of the situation and revisit it. You may find a different conclusion.
Pisces (2/18-3/19) – Time to really protect your energy this week Pisces. Lots of spiritual baths, extra smudging of your energy field and sacred space and load up on the black tournalime. Try to get in some Earthing if possible as well.
* These horoscopes are based on your Sun sign. If it does not resonate with you, check your natal chart for your Moon and Rising sign, one of those or a combination of all three might be a better fit. Dates for the signs vary from year to year, if you are born close to a cusp check your chart to see which sign you fall into, although most likely, traits of both will apply.