Mercury X Scorpio 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
November 8, 2021As of November 5th, Mercury has finally left both its retrograde status and shadow period in Libra and stationed itself in Scorpio, where it will stay until November 25th.
For the majority of November we will have a Scorpio stellium with Mercury, the Sun and Mars all residing here. We already know of Scorpio’s depth and complexities, but what happens when Mercury makes its home here?
And as a Mercury in Scorpio myself, I’ve got the scoop for you all. . .
Both Scorpio and Mercury have a bit of a reputation in astrology, don’t ya think?
Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign with all the intensity it brings to the table, but it is actually a Fixed Water sign. Ruled by Pluto, God of the Underworld, and was once ruled by Mars, God of War, it’s easy to see where that sassy, ballsy, secretive yet dramatic energy comes from.
They are quite emotional and an extremely intuitive sign, very hard to pull one over on Scorpio. Scorpio at its very core craves depth, intimacy, closeness and getting to the heart of the matter.
Now, they may not come off like this or have a weird way of showing it. That is because they naturally don’t trust anyone or anything. You have to earn the loyalty of a Scorpio. But once you break down those walls, they are ride or die.
Scorpio has a natural affinity for the shadow side. They are mysterious and are known never to show all the cards they are holding. They also are drawn to the occult, metaphysical and spiritual sides of life, even if that awakens down the line.
To sum up Scorpio as simply as I can, they are complex! 😉
I think we all know Mercury’s m/o by now – it is the planet of communication, ideas, processing thoughts/information and consciousness.
Mercury in Scorpio is on a mission! They are the FBI agents of the zodiac and the human lie detectors. They see right through you. Since they are both curious and deep, they will immerse themselves in things that they are interested in to the point of obsession, which is a major Scorpio shadow.
They have a very different kind of intelligence. They are intense thinkers and usually have a sharp tongue. One thing we must give this placement credit for is high emotional intelligence, but don’t mess with them! They can spot emotional manipulation from a mile away. They are straight up, so if you don’t want to know, don’t ask them!
What can we expect over these next 20 days or so?
Well, fellow witches, now is primetime to be submerging yourself in your craft.
How can you learn more, absorb more occult knowledge? Take up a new modality! Attend a workshop that will improve your spiritual skills! Read some new books! There are so many ways to hone your witchery available to you.
Self-mastery is a Scorpio trait and that requires digging deep, acquiring more knowledge in order to transform.
If you aren’t interested in the metaphysical or holistic, it is still a great time to be learning something new. I mentioned emotional intelligence, you will have anyone on your radar trying to do you dirty- on lock! No one is getting anything past you these next few weeks. Trust your intuition.
In fact, it is also a great time to be opening up that third eye.
Spend time in meditation, drink some dandelion root tea, work with some amethyst and, of course, you know, I am a fan of FireandLux’s purple candle.
Anytime Scorpio is prevalent, shadow work is always on the menu, this time taking a deep look at how you are communicating. Are you speaking your most authentic truth with clarity and conviction? Or are you being shady? Or are you being too fixated and not fluid? This is a time to above all else, be honest with yourself.
Is Scorpio ever easy? No. But are the lessons necessary? Yes!
This is not a time to be hiding from yourself FireandLux fam. Embrace your shadows and emerge as the Phoenix from the ashes.