Fire and Lux Horoscopes November 14 to November 20, 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
November 15, 2021It’s officially eclipse season, let the games begin!
This week we have the Full Beaver Moon in Taurus occupied by a partial lunar eclipse.
Are you ready FireandLux Fam?
Read on to see what your Sun sign has in store for you this week. . .
Aries (3/20 – 4/21) – Time to be a finisher, Aries. You are filled with such gusto and enthusiasm in the beginning for projects that you often exhaust your stamina to complete them. Conserve your energy and close them out! Then it’s onto the next!
Taurus (4/22- 5/20) – Well Taurus, at least you’re good at staying calm in turmoil. Find ways to ground yourself during your eclipse. Also, please watch your spending, conserve, conserve, conserve! This is an eclipse of the sun in YOUR sun sign, you will be one of the most affected.
Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – Eclipses are extremely uncertain, you never know where the energy may lead you. Gemini, this is your call to trust, if something seems like a negative effect, it is sparing you and opening you up to something that’s more aligned to your highest and best.
Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Love, in its purest and deepest form, is on your mind this week, Cancer. Tap into the sensual Taurus vibe, explore the senses with your partner. Go with the romantic flow.
Leo (7/23-8/22) – These eclipses are bringing some much needed endings to your life Leo. Reminder, endings are NOT bad. Endings are necessary for new beginnings and new opportunities to manifest the next cycle of your life.
Virgo (8/23-922) – Take this week to organize yourself before the eclipse, Virgo. Both financially and in/on the home front are needing your focus. A clearing out in both of these areas are necessary, and don’t forget a spiritual clearing after! Try a smudge bundle!
Libra (9/23-11/21) – I’m sensing a major Tower moment this week for you Libra. Can you take the perspective that this is necessary to rebuild and bring more harmony to your inner world? If you can, the crash won’t be so bad 🙂
Scorpio (10/22-11/21) – Good thing you are the master of mysteries and shadows, Scorpio, because this eclipse has some surprises in store for you! Prepare yourself for secrets revealed and a need to understand the why. Put that investigator hat on Scorpio, back to work!
Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – The eclipses this year have been especially profound for you, Sagittarius. If you spent these last months in self-assessment and breaking cycles and patterns, the hard end you have been praying for is near. Your new chapter awaits in the midst of good news to come.
Capricorn (12/22-1/20) – You are generally on the more cautious side, Capricorn, this is natural to Earth signs. Take your time to read the energy of this eclipse before you make any decisions. A little Hermit mode might even be called for before going head first into anything.
Aquarius (1/21-2/17) – You too have been wishing for that new next cycle to begin. Bear with this energy a little while longer Water Bearer, get past these eclipses. I am feeling a big turning point for you during the Winter Solstice next month.
Pisces (2/18-3/19) – I am getting very positive vibes for positive shifts ahead for you with the eclipse energy, Pisces. Ride the wave, go with the flow and trust what you feel. Something wonderful is in the very near future that you have been yearning for.
* These horoscopes are based on your Sun sign. If it does not resonate with you, check your natal chart for your Moon and Rising sign, one of those or a combination of all three might be a better fit. Dates for the signs vary from year to year, if you are born close to a cusp check your chart to see which sign you fall into, although most likely, traits of both will apply.