Sagittarius Season 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
November 24, 2021Well, if Sagittarius season doesn’t feel like a bright light at the end of the tunnel after a heavy Scorpio season, I don’t know what does!
The Sun has yet again shifted Zodiac signs and is now residing in passionate and expansive Sagittarius from 11/22/21 until 12/21/21 – not to mention it’s your fave resident astrologer here at FireandLux’s birthday 😉 so I might be impartial, but I feel some of our vitality being restored during this transit . . .
Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the Zodiac, a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Together, Jupiter and Sagittarius rule the 9th house which is known as the “House of Higher Knowledge”. They are here to birth the inspirations that have been planted and have the passion and energy to bring them to fruition.
Sagittarius, the luckiest sign of the Zodiac, are highly motivated and passionate free spirits, mystics and visionaries of the Zodiac.
They are eternal optimists, always preferring to see light in the world. But don’t be fooled, they will keep it 100% with you!
When in alignment, Sag is the crown chakra, tapped into the ancient wisdoms of the physical world and the rainbow bridge to the spirit world.
A secret super power they have is learning through experience, which is why they love to travel, get a taste of other cultures and people and the ability to share the knowledge they have absorbed.
While Sag doesn’t mind being the eternal student, it is because they are actually here to share and teach what they have learned.
On a good day they can be considered a guru, on a bad day they are dogmatic and preachy. They are a high energy bunch, (which is why the Sun is happy with its stay here), always up for an adventure and to experience something new.
A Sagittarius’s mission here is one of growth, to broaden their horizons, to inspire others to come out of their shell and find their own unique light and to enjoy life to the fullest.
I know it may seem impossible but there is a shadow side to Sag lol. When out of alignment, Sag may come off as a commitment phobe (I stand by – we are just intuitive enough to know who is worth our energy), flighty, restless, insensitive, careless, fearless (the kind of blind courage that gets you into trouble), know it all’s, and out of touch with reality. Sag is known to see the bigger picture of things but easily overlooks the important details.
Excess is also a shadow, as they are ruled by Jupiter, the BIG planet. So they may be extra or over-do things and not know their limits. And while they are truth-seekers and visionaries, they are known to be married to their opinions and write off anyone not in agreement – you can call them a little cut throat. For a sign who doesn’t like judgements, when they rear their dark side, they can be particularly judgey.
So what can we expect while the Sun is visiting Sagittarius over the next 30 days?
As I mentioned, the Sun likes it here. The Sun represents our vitality and Sagittarius’s high energy and optimism compliments that.
We can all use a bit more energy before the holidays, am I right? It is a great time for personal expansion and development.
- Take spiritual or metaphysical courses, visit places with history
- Do yoga (Sag likes movement and yoga in particular combines the mental and the physical)
- Go to a new restaurant and try a dish you never had before, be brave and go alone and meet new friends!
This is a time to be open mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and almost childlike, the wonder and excitement of possibilities if you are open to receiving.
During this time, you have the ability to be a walking inspiration to others, simply by being your authentic self and owning your unique essence and gifts.
Sag season wants us to have fun, enjoy life to the fullest, make your heart happy and see the bigger picture of things. Be wary of getting too careless and overlooking important details or being so fixated on an end result you lose sight of the little pieces.
Also, watch your mouth- LOL. While honesty is a great policy, you don’t have to make everything a come-to-Jesus moment for everyone else. Try to be mindful of your delivery.
Another important lesson to touch upon is allowing others to have their own opinions and experiences. Is it better to always be right or preserve some personal happiness?
Here’s to hoping we all have a lucky Sagittarius season, FireandLux fam!
Artist Credit: @thelovewitch2016