Mercury X Capricorn 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
December 16, 2021On December 13, 2021, Mercury left direct and passionate Sagittarius and has snuggled itself up in ambitious and motivated Capricorn where it will position itself January 2, 2022, and will do a little dance between Capricorn and Aquarius while retrograde later in January.
One thing is for sure, Mercury in Capricorn is here to handle business!
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the Zodiac, ruled by the Father of Karma, Saturn. Together Capricorn and Saturn ruled the 10th house, known as the “House of Higher Callings or Social Status”.
This house kind of holds a lot of hats, it is where we find our gift to the world, our reputation, our business/career pursuits, our leadership abilities and our destiny in terms of authority.
Capricorn is a cardinal Earth sign. They are here to take action in pursuit of or by tangible, material and financial means. Because Cap is ruled by the Dad of the zodiac, who can be a bit of a hard ass, they are known overachievers. They are motivated, ambitious and have the gift of being able to see the bigger picture of things. They will get ‘errr done no matter what. Because of this they are known to be providers, workaholics, and a bit on the boring or somber side.
They are also the old souls of Zodiac as they are depicted by the sea goat who is known for being wise. Because they kinda live by C.R.E.A.M. they do have materialistic tendencies, although not flashy, Cap is more refined and elegant.
Mercury should be pretty familiar to us all by now, but let’s do a quick recap. Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo and their respective 3rd and 6th houses. Mercury is in charge of how we communicate, how we process information, thoughts, ideas, spoken and written word, dreams, travel and the tedious day to day things in life. It is also our consciousness.
This makes Mercury in Capricorn an interesting blend.
Mercury kinda felt like it flew through Sagittarius and Capricorn is a much more refined and reserved sign. This is a more grounded placement, although both are quite the visionaries.
This transit wants us to be disciplined and focused, not much room for play.
So while it was in the Archer of Sag we were shooting for the stars with big dreams and goals, Mercury in Cap will give us the drive to accomplish these ambitions. This is not very much of an emotional transit, in fact, we will be relying much more on the logic and practicality of our minds over our hearts. I see a lot of seeds that have previously been planted, having the work and care put into them during this time so they blossom into something incredible.
Capricorn is NOT afraid of working hard to achieve a goal. This is a very serious transit and we have the opportunity to truly accomplish a lot.
And as with every other transit ever, we do have some shadows sneaking in.
If you thought Mercury in Sag was impatient, wait until you see the urge for quickness now! It is also prone to let down since Cap has such high standards. In order to avoid being disappointed or crabby that things aren’t going according to your plan, stop, celebrate the little victories along the way and express gratitude for all you have already accomplished.
Also, all work and no play is NOT good for the soul. There is a reason “workaholic” is a thing, try to balance your life with equally devoting time to work, play and whatever else that comes up. Finally, this transit can make us very rigid in our opinions and voices, which can lead to arguments (mehhhhh who wants that?!). A reminder that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it isn’t your job to change anyone’s mind because of your personal feelings.
If I could advise one thing to use Mercury in Cap to your benefit is making some solid goals/plans/intentions or resolutions for 2022 because you will have the willpower to see them through.