Venus Retrograde By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
December 18, 2021Every 18 months or so, Venus, the planet of love and worth goes retrograde and it is about that time FireandLux fam!
From December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2021, Venus will be retrograde in the earthly sign of Capricorn.
Do NOT fear this intense planetary rotation. I truly feel although we will be facing many of our shadows, lessons will be coming to the surface for us to deal with for our highest and best.
Let’s get into it!
Let’s do a quick recap on both Venus and Capricorn to get us all up to speed!
Venus is our Divine Feminine planet. She rules over the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra and their respective 2nd and 7th houses. Venus is not just all about love and relationships, she is also about finances, worth, value (particularly about ourselves) and possessions.
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn, the Father. Capricorn is the wise, old soul of the signs. Ambition, motivation, hard work, drive and goal oriented are all good ways to describe Cappy. They are quite classic and elegant. Some shadows of Capricorn can include being somber, workaholics, recluses, overly serious, and boring.
So what can we expect from this retrograde?
If we are facing relationship issues or chaos, this will be brought to the forefront. It is time for our throat chakra and express what is on our hearts. There is no running away from this. If you want your relationship to work, these must be addressed. You’ll be surprised how much a relief it will feel to get these out in the open. In fact, we can even consider this a relationship renewal once these kinks have been worked out and healing can take place.
The word COMMITMENT is coming in strong. It’s not a time for flings and one-night stands. Be wary of fear of rejection or being left creeping in and see the shadow work that needs to be done around that.
Now, because this is a retrograde and Capricorn is a slow and stable sign, we cannot expect things to be rushed. So no rushing into anything new, relationship wise or otherwise.
We also must take a look at our finances. If you haven’t been so organized prior to this, it will come up and you will be forced to do some damage control. I do not love the word budget as I feel it carries negative vibes, but, financial organization is in order.
Venus also rules all things beauty. Maybe it’s time for a reinvention! Remember to come from a place of self-love, just as Venus intends.
The Divine Feminine is coming up because this is Venus.
How can we tap further into this?
There will be a lesson in trusting our intuition while remaining grounded especially when this retrograde throws us curveballs. When we honor what we feel deeply, we honor ourselves and firm up that sacred bond of trust with self.
It is also a good time to be connecting with Mother Nature. This honors both the Venus and Capricorn energy.
I think the most important thing to remember with this transit is that everything that is coming up is meant to be a lesson to you. You are meant to grow and learn from it all, especially the hard or painful parts.