Capricorn Season 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
December 23, 2021On December 21, 2021, The Winter Solstice, the sun will leave optimistic and free spirited Sagittarius and station itself in ambitious and wise Capricorn, where it will be hanging out until January 19, 2022.
It’s time to buckle down, Capricorn is one serious sign!
Let’s see what this transit will bring us!
Hard working, driven and successful Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac, ruled by the Father of Karma, Big Daddy Saturn himself.
Cap is a cardinal Earth sign, meaning they are the first to take action or get things poppin’ when it comes to material or tangible things with a goal in mind.
Capricorn and Saturn together rule the 10th house, traditionally known as the “House of Social Status” but encompasses so much more.
The 10th house is your higher calling and your gift to the world, so more than just a job or your reputation is to be considered.
The symbol for Cap is the Sea Goat, indicative of them being the old souls of the zodiac. Capricorn is motivated and ambitious. They are not scared of doing hard work to accomplish something great. They are gifted with seeing the bigger picture of things and going for it.
Because of the connotation they are old souls, they tend to be more classic and elegant, but certainly enjoy the finer things life has to offer. And because of their fatherly role, they work so hard because they want to provide for everyone. Cap is also practical, disciplined and has big CEO energy, think the King of Pentacles vibes.
And like all the other signs, Capricorn too has its shadows when out of alignment. Capricorn can be a bit boring and on the somber side. They are prone to being workaholics and can go overboard with being superficial and materialistic because to them, C.R.E.A.M.
Cap comes off as cold when you meet them, they are one of the signs that have to dig deep to get to the emotions and be more sensitive because they lean more toward rigidity and suppression. They can also place too much weight on status or the reputation, always wanting to look a certain way to the world. Cap also gets so obsessed with the future, they forget to be present and allow for flow.
As we come into the last quarter of the zodiac year, I’d like to point out how the signs progress and kind of blend into the next one.
We start with Aries, the beginning of the journey and the infant of the zodiac and by the time we get to Sagittarius, the 9th sign, who in a sense gives birth to Capricorn this wise old soul because of the accumulation of wisdom he picked from each sign prior and we land at Aquarius, the futuristic visionary.
Of course Pisces is the 12th and final sign before we rebirth, but Pisces is like the bridge. It’s this foggy, lucid time that connects the spiritual and material worlds and bridges us to that rebirth.
What can we expect for this Capricorn season?
It’s time to get our booty’s in gear! We will have both the motivation and perseverance to get ish done.
We will also have the strength to keep going when the road is less than some and presents its challenges.
One of the visionary gifts we can expect is being able to see around the chaos of things and get to the root of the issue and be able to remedy it and pursue our goals.
At some point during Capricorn season we will see a Cap stellium (Sun ,Venus, Mercury (both in retrograde), Mars and Pluto) so this energy might be a bit somber, not as fun as Sag, but it serves its purpose to whip us into shape, it is a lesson, like everything else.
Make plans for the future during this season. Prioritize and pursue whatever it takes to get you to your goal. EYE ON THE PRIZE.
And while material goods can be cool, and they too have their place, let’s not let them be that dangling carrot and control us. Let’s leave that in the 3D. We’ve spent way too much time unlearning that pattern!
Use the energy of the season to work hard and silence and allow your rewards to blossom, FireandLux fam.