Fire and Lux Horoscopes January 2 to January 8, 2022 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
January 4, 2022Happy New Year FireandLux Fam!!!
Well, I guess the saying is true, “the days are short but the years are long”! I cannot believe we are in another calendar cycle.
We at the FireandLux team wish you all the best for this year to come and thank you always for your continued support!
Read on to see what your Sun sign has in store for you this week. . .
Aries (3/20 – 4/21) – The energy of the Capricorn New Moon can work in your favor, Aries. Tap into that cardinal energy you and Cap share and start planting some major seeds to manifest your big goals! Eyes on the prize, what you desire, desires you too!
Taurus (4/22- 5/20) – You are gifted with the ability of perseverance, Taurus. And when you finally make up your mind about what you want, there is no stopping you! You are a determined force! Go for your goals in 2022, we are sure you’ll make it happen!
Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – 2022 is looking like adventure for you, Gemini! That fun loving explorer side of you has gotten a little buried but is sure ready to come out and play! ENJOY yourself, Gemini, get lost in nature- find yourself!
Cancer (6/21-7/22) – The New Moon is in your sister sign of Capricorn so it is a good time to be doing shadow work on your triggers. While this work can get heavy, it is essential to start this moon cycle and the New Year in a clear energetic space so you can feel more aligned and refreshed.
Leo (7/23-8/22) – We are sure you are recovering from one hell of a New Year’s celebration, Leo! You love a celebration, life is a grand party to you after all. Keep the partying going and do what brings you pleasure this week. Ring the New Year in with good vibes!
Virgo (8/23-922) – The Capricorn New Moon is a good time for you to set your goals, but typical to your nature, you are concerned how you will get there. Relax, Virgo, you work hard enough. Put some trust in the Universe and faith that what is meant for you will always work out to be.
Libra (9/23-11/21) – This is a good week to do some evaluating of your space, Libra. Your space really needs to be in harmony for you to function and thrive. Clean out closets and drawers, organize cabinets and throw out anything no longer serving you!! This will send out a vibration to the Universe you are ready for more alignment to come in.
Scorpio (10/22-11/21) – You like nice things, simple as that Scorpio. Nothing is wrong with a little luxury or a little flash here and there. If you’ve been saving up to splurge on something that you will treasure, go for it. You deserve that feel good feeling that comes with finally purchasing something you’ve desired.
Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Take a breath here, Sagittarius. You had a HUGE year personally and it’s time for a sacred pause. Set intentions with the moon and do a ritual, of course, but take some time for much needed R+R to begin the year.
Capricorn (12/22-1/20) – We have four planets in your sign right now Capricorn, it’s stellium season!!! A lot of your energy flowing around that you NEED to tap into. SUCCESS is your word for 2022 and we know you aren’t scared to work hard for that goal.
Aquarius (1/21-2/17) – You have a secret super power of being calm in times of chaos. In fact, others look to you to take the lead in these situations, Aquarius. Your calm leadership ability is needed this week Aquarius. Thank you for being the voice of reason.
Pisces (2/18-3/19) – You have soooo many amazingly creative ideas Pisces, it’s time to buckle down and pick one or two and go full force with them! You can’t expect abundance from projects if your energy is spread all over the place. Narrow it down and focus, the Capricorn moon said so!
* These horoscopes are based on your Sun sign. If it does not resonate with you, check your natal chart for your Moon and Rising sign, one of those or a combination of all three might be a better fit. Dates for the signs vary from year to year, if you are born close to a cusp check your chart to see which sign you fall into, although most likely, traits of both will apply.