America’s Pluto Return | Fire and Lux | by: Erin The Urban Mermaid
February 23, 2022I am sure everyone is pumped about the super charged 2.22.22 portal, but today is a HUGE today for us as a nation.
Today begins America’s Pluto return.
Pluto is a generational planet, which means it can stay in any one sign from anywhere between 12 and 30 years because it takes over 240 years (give or take) to make a full rotation around the Sun. Believe it or not, Pluto has been in Capricorn since November 26th, 2008 but only now is it hitting 27 degrees which is the exact degree it was in 1776 at America’s inception back when the Declaration of Independence was supposedly signed.
(Question everything FireandLux fam)
It will briefly float into Aquarius in 2023 but travel back to Cap and complete its time spent there until the end of 2024.
Pluto itself represents the infinite death and rebirth cycles.
It is about hard and rocky transitions and transformations that shed light on matters formerly hidden, forcing us to grow beyond our comfort zones and look deeply in the mirror.
Pluto is named quite appropriately after the God of the Underworld. It rules the sign of Scorpio, and together the two rule the 8th house, the “House of Mystery/Transformations/Death/the Hidden”.
This includes money, taxes, sex, wealth, royalty, control and greed. This is much needed change, almost a forced change to some, but a dramatic one nonetheless bringing on destruction…Because things in America simply cannot stay in lies and fear and what is hidden. Therefore, a massive crumbling must occur for the truth to be revealed and for us to rebuild and rise. An ending is coming. Cue the Tower and Death cards.
Let’s take into account how important a role Capricorn plays in all of this.
Capricorn represents authority, power, business, to some extent the government itself and structure. It also is rooted in tradition and is quite rigid. If we take a magnifying glass to America’s infrastructure, do you think it is built on and withholds a moral compass, principles and is truly for the highest and best of its citizens?
Every single Empire before us has crumbled and revolutions have sparked change.
Let me pose a few questions to you to get that old noodle going so we don’t fear the ending but embrace the much needed changes ahead.
Money. Is it real? Ever examined the dollar bill? It’s filled with cryptican symbolism.
Taxes. Are they really going back to us? Or is this the biggest Ponzi scheme going?
Insurance. Let me pay 20% of my check in case of a medical emergency. Medical emergency occurs. You must now pay more money for treatment.
Hollywood. Was probably at one point for everyone’s entertainment. Is it still? Or is it the perfect way to plant ideas unconsciously in our minds? (cough mind control)
Social Security. I think we all know we’re not seeing a dollar of that when we get old.
Big business. Government. Food Companies. Entertainment. Pharma. The stock market. The banking system. Hmmmm, it’s kind of starting to look like these aren’t separate organizations but these hoes are in bed together making up the rules as they go to suit their own asses! I want to be very clear I am not referring to any one political party or organization! The greed and power hunger runs deep on both sides.
It’s about now we all need to come to terms with the fact that things are never going back to “normal” and that prior to 2020 perhaps things weren’t all rainbows like we were led to believe.
But we shouldn’t want it to go back, we were being lied to!
This Pluto Return is going to shake shit up for our best! In fact, this is our Phoenix Rising moment as a nation, true sovereignty and liberation, perhaps even the crumbling that needs to happen for the New Earth to be truly birthed.
Do not fear these exploding events FireandLux fam.
Stay in higher vibrations and consciousness. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and our souls chose to be here for America’s rebirth.