Pisces Season 2022 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
February 24, 2022Who’s your fave Pisces FireandLux Fam? RiRi? Erykah Badu? Kurt Cobain? The Beebs? Notice the creative talent that links the ones I named.
Yes, it is officially Pisces season!
The Sun left eccentric Aquarius on February 18th and has stationed itself in dreamy, spiritual and romantic Pisces, where it will stay until March 19th.
It’s time to wrap up the zodiac year!
Pisces, whose symbol is two koi fish, is the last and 12th sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and together the two rule the 12th house known as, the “House of Karmic Debts/the Unconscious Mind/what is Hidden”.
Pisces is a mutable water sign, which means they are more flexible and adaptable to changes and are the ones to bring things to fruition based on emotions and creativity.
And speaking of creativity, an aligned Pisces is extremely creative. They have incredible talents when they apply themselves, actually a wonderful outlet for all the emotions they stuff deep down or take on as their own.
Pisces has a deep connection with the spirit world and are very psychic, but also not the most grounded of individuals. They may find themselves lost in daydreams and fantasies, kind of preferring to escape reality. This is because they feel so much, they prefer to retreat and escape rather than deal.
Pisces need A LOT of rest to function and constantly be restoring their physical and energetic bodies.
They are probably the kindest and definitely the most romantic of the zodiac. Pisces will avoid conflict and confrontation like the plague, again preferring to just retreat. It’s very important for Pisces to remember they are still in the physical world, their tendency toward escapism can lead to delusion and often lies or manipulation. None of which is intentional, usually they believe this stuff themselves.
What will we see this sun rotation?
It’s time to travel deep into the depths of our soul to the darkest of places where we like to hide our ish and bring the light out.
No more victimhood, no more avoiding feelings. There are no shortcuts to healing and we must visit what we have been hiding from.
This is also a time to be connecting spiritually. Create and stick to your rituals, take lots of spiritual or meditation baths (water element!), work with your Divination tools and allow your subconscious to expand and be more open.
Tap into your creative juices. Whatever inspires you, it could be painting, gardening, making music, knitting- whatever it is, make sure you are carving out some time to express yourself through your creations.
It is also a time to rest before our rebirth during Aries season/Ostara/Spring Equinox which is the zodiac new year. We bloom again during this time, so using Pisces season to recalibrate and review everything we started building on in Capricorn season so it can bloom as well in Spring.
Also during Pisces season, remember your sensitivity is your gift so protect your energy and observe your emotions.
The trick to navigating Pisces season is to remain grounded while we are trying to ascend. The irony, right? Pisces can have the tendency to get carried away and while we encourage going deeper into your spiritual practice and cultivating your psychic gifts, please remember to be grounding your energy so you don’t end up exhausted.
Know your limits, physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally and honor them! It’s a great time to be setting strong boundaries and holding to them. Also, time to use your ol’ noodle to separate reality and fantasy. Daydreams are fun from time to time but you can’t live there Fam.
Alright FireandLux Fam, get out your rose colored glasses and your purple candle, it’s Pisces season time!