Venus X Cancer by: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 19, 2022 Off By Fire and Lux

Our Divine Feminine planet Venus has transited herself out of flirty Gemini and stationed in emotional and sensitive Cancer. This is quite the switch up!

Venus in Cancer starts July 17, 2022, and will remain in this water sign until August 11, 2022.

Let’s see what this planetary trip has in store for us. . .

We know Venus. We love Venus. Venus loves love. Venus represents all things…

  • Divine Feminine, like the Goddess she is.
  • Beauty, aesthetics, grace, fertility, creativity, relationships, and abundance are all part of her jurisdiction of rule, as is money, possessions, finances and values.
  • Her most undervalued and least touched-upon traits she rules are actually our self-love and self-worth.
  • Venus is the natural ruler of Libra and Taurus and their respected houses.

Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is the 4th sign of the Zodiac. She too is a Divine Feminine, her archetype is the Mother or Nurturer.

  • Cancer is a cardinal water sign. She is the first to take action based on her emotions.

Cancer and the Moon rule the fourth house, the “House of Family”.

  • Cancer is known to be the empath of the Zodiac. She just knows based on how she feels. And does she ever FEEL!
  • She is very emotional, sensitive, nostalgic, and ever the Queen of her castle.
  • She thrives in a home she’s made into her castle where she can care for and protect her loved ones like a mama bear.
  • When out of alignment, Cancer is moody, snappy, lacks self-accountability, defensive and can get very stuck in the past.
  • She doesn’t like to be confronted head on, rather side stepping through confrontation like her symbol, the crab.

How does Venus like her latest residence?

Venus in Cancer loves connection, loves being able to express herself emotionally and loves loyalty and commitment. In fact, if you aren’t being real, she can feel it, so best not try to game her up!

Venus in Cancer seeks soul level love, intimacy and long-term commitment.

  • If you are in a relationship, you may feel a bit clingier and loving toward your partner.
  • If you’re single, thoughts of settling down and forming roots with “the one” will dominate your world.

This transit is also a great time to focus on your home and create a space for a family to start or grow.

Self-care is also wonderful, in two aspects, because Venus in Cancer is certainly here for face masks that nourish your skin, she’s also here for compassionately loving yourself through each emotion that arises and shows up for you.  Even though emotions may run high, it is a time to be embracing them and embodying them.

OWN IT BOO! Let your emotions be your guide.

We must always account for the shadows, like any other astrological transit.

  • You may find yourself more touchy or moody. Try not to let emotions get the best of you to the point you are living in the past or unable to be present.
  • You also can find yourself easily stuck at home and wallowing, no pity parties please!
  • Self-awareness is a huge key to get you through this one, as well as self-accountability.
  • As well, sometimes as empaths it gets hard to discern our emotions from others, always protect and cleanse your energy, try emotional dumping in a journal and balance your time alone and time around others.
  • Grounding your emotions and energy is always a major KEY!

Let’s take a ride on this emotional roller coaster FireandLux fam- jk!!!!
