Mercury X Leo by: Erin The Urban Mermaid
July 28, 2022Mercury in Cancer was all about going inward to express our emotions now that Mercury is on the move and has stationed in extremely extroverted Leo!
Mercury will be making its stay in the 5th sign of the Zodiac from July 19, 2022, until August 4, 2022.
If you’re hearing that old JLO jam “Let’s Get Loud” you’re in the right place . . .
Our old homie Mercury is the little planet known to have a big impact. It rules over all things regarding
- communication
- thought process
- processing information
- details
- short term travel
- paperwork
- small pets
- and even legal matters
Mercury has a pretty broad ruling which is why things tend to go haywire easily.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo and their respective 3rd and 6th houses.
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac, ruled by none other than the Sun itself.
Leo is a fixed fire sign, which means they are the growers or the builders and act on their
- passion
- Inspiration
- and particularly heart (when in alignment) or ego (when out of alignment)
Leo and the Sun rule the 5th House, the “House of Pleasure or Self Expression”.
Leo goes BIG! They like grand gestures, romance, royalty, and loads and loads of attention. I always joke, I can always spot the Leo in the room! They truly have an outstanding and shining presence and are noticed wherever they go.
- Leo is the heart of the zodiac and some of the most deeply caring and generous souls you will ever meet.
That being said, Leo’s shadows are being unable to see outside themselves, selfish and caught in their egos. They can be prone to drama and creating wild situations for attention. They also need constant attention to feel validated.
What will Mercury in Leo bring us?
Another famous Leo and famous song comes to mind: “Express Yourself” by Madonna!!!
The cat will not have your tongue during this transit!
- It’s time to speak up.
- What’s on your mind?
- More importantly, since this is Leo, what’s on your heart? There’s no being shy this time around.
This is also a great time to get yourself out there, connect with your friendships.
- Share your passions with others, it will really ignite you.
- You may even find your words carrying a romantic tune.
Confidence will be on your side.
Think of the lion, Leo’s symbol.
They stand tall and proud and don’t back down!
It’s also a time for us to own our decision making, taking this job on personally and not delegating it out to others.
Allow yourself to get wrapped up in your ideas, especially if they seem larger than life. This transit will give you the energy to cultivate them to reality.
Leo, like its other fire signs, is a natural leader. So by default or assuming the position, you will be able to lead, direct and manage.
Put on your BOSS pants everyone!
Alas, there are some shadows here.
- A main one is not listening to others.
- Don’t just speak to be in charge or think if you do all the talking you’re the one in charge. One who listens more than they speak holds the actual power.
- Pride can also be a thorn in our side. Pride stems from ego- and it’s important we have some sort of balance here.
- The shadows of the ego are a Leo’s Achilles heel.
- Also let’s avoid being too bossy, no one likes to be around someone always telling them what to do.
Let this Leo energy help you feel fearless in your self-expression FireandLux fam!