Capricorn Season 2022 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
December 28, 2022We bid Sagittarius goodbye and welcome in Capricorn season on December 22, 2022.
Ruled by Saturn, Cap always wants us to get our cosmic ducks in a row so to speak. Ambitious, successful and fatherly, Capricorn wants to support us in our goals and help us achieve big things.
Let’s see what the Old Goat has in store for us. . .
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the Zodiac. A cardinal Earth sign and as I mentioned before, ruled by Saturn.
Together, Capricorn and Saturn rule the 10th house, “The House of Our Reputation” which focuses on our social status, profession and professional goals, career ambitions and our higher calling.
My favorite way to describe Cap is like the father who busts our ass because he wants us to reach our highest potential, but is still a hard ass.
Motivational, ambitious, go-getter, driven all in the name of success and achievement pretty much describes how they roll. They are not scared of a little hard work to achieve success with their big goals and dreams. Depicted by the Sea Goat because they come with a certain knowing, a deep wisdom from being older souls.
There is usually an air of elegance about them, classic rather than trendy. Cold, somber, homebodies, boring, workaholics, by the books, rigid, not very fun? Yes, their shadows are kinda dry and can weigh quite heavy. But, such is life.
What can we expect from Capricorn this time around?
It’s not a coincidence that the calendar new year coincides with Capricorn season. It’s a time to reevaluate our goals, intentions and/or manifestations and it gives us the push we need to make it happen.
Capricorn wants us to succeed at the end of the day.
So fueling us with ambition, energy to work hard and an eye on the prize is its gift to us.
- Business ideas are coming in strong. For those who ever wanted to start a business or those who already have one and want to go bigger or shift, this is the time.
- Make plans and put things in action.
- Think big, and have tunnel vision, do not let yourself get distracted by little things.
Something about Capricorn season always gives me Queen of Pentacles vibes…
- you can be successful
- you can be a boss
- you can have a beautiful home
- you can hold it down family wise
- she is the “you can do it” of queens and fully supports this season’s energy.
What I also really like about this season is the karma that comes to surface. Saturn rules our Karma, so what part of Capricorn brings a karma you are meant to work though?
You guys know me, I love a lesson or opportunity to grow and at its simplest, that is what karma is.
And what about the shadows?
- Well, don’t get so wrapped up in work you forget to have fun and enjoy life.
- Don’t let money (C.R.E.A.M.) be your reason and don’t let it get you lost in your core values.
- Finding a healthy balance and not overdoing it all to the point of burnout or prone to health issues. (very common for Cap).
- Allow warmth, pleasure and enjoyment. It’s space and place for you. It can also get very heavy during this season.
- Find ways to ground your energy and places just to be light.
- Finally, don’t be so hard on yourself or anybody else.
- Perfection isn’t real. Have some grace.
Another season in the rotation FireandLux fam! Let’s see how it goes!
Artist credit @kot__ko