Aquarius Season 2023 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
January 20, 2023It’s Aquarius Season, FireandLux fam!
Are you ready to get weird???
On January 20, 2023, the Sun leaves Earthy and hardworking Capricorn and stations in unique and do gooding Aquarius. The Zodiac year is inching to a close as we come to the second to last sign.
What does the Zodiac’s resident oddball have in store for us. . .
Aquarius aka the Water Bearer is actually a Fixed Air sign. The 11th sign of the Zodiac ruled by Uranus, one of the slower moving outer planets. Together, Uranus and Aquarius rule the 11th house, the “House of Friendships and Community”.
- Aquarius is here to stand in their individuality in the group and shine their unique light.
- They are the rebels, the non-conformists, the free thinkers, the libertarians, the visionaries and the oddballs.
- Aquarius does best when they can think outside of the box.
- They are a more emotionally mature sign, even a little detached when it comes to matters of the heart.
- Aquarians have a secret super power of calmness in the face of chaos.
- They are known to be a bit of a lone wolf and a bit eccentric. Meaning, they can be totally fine in a crowd but just prefer their independence, almost to a fault.
- But they have good hearts. They are the humanitarians of the Zodiac and will always lend a helping hand.
My personal fave analogy to describe the vibe of AQ is 80’s punk rock meets FTP 90’s gangster rap. I feel as the Zodiac progresses along the signs, the shadows are rough but then get less heavy and then kind of all culminate in the last sign of Pisces – haha. Meaning the shadows of Aquarius just aren’t all that awful, lucky them! They can have a hell of a cruel streak, be brats, be super out there, self-centered and have no personal accountability, but I really feel it’s not the worst of the worst.
What’s the flava for us this Sun rotation?
Both Mercury and Mars RX have lifted and while we do still have their shadow periods for a few weeks, it’s slowly lifting.
Aquarius brings a lot of newness and fresh perspective for us. It wants to shed light on what we just were not able to see before. New ideas, even if they seem strange or a little out there will come to us like lightning strikes.
You know in old cartoons when characters had AHA moments and a light bulb would turn on over their head? That’s the metaphor of what I am trying to translate here.
It’s also time to be embracing the gifts that make you different, that make you stand out in the crowd.
Whatever makes you feel like an outsider growing up is what makes you interesting, let that freak flag fly baby!!!!! Boring and vanilla is soooooo old news and we aren’t into it anymore!
You have a unique contribution or light that no one else in the world has but the world needs, and this is the season to be tapping into it and just sharing it.
- The other factor of AQ season that I rather enjoy is that calmness. It’s very non reactionary, and that comes from emotional maturity and this season certainly allows for that.
So although I feel the shadows are way more manageable than other Zodiac seasons *cough Scorpio cough* (LOL you guys know I tease), they do still exist.
- Being overly defensive is just not cute, it’s not all about you all the time boo.
- And being overly cruel is just not necessary, words are weapons and the tongue is always sharper than the sword.
- Check yourself before resorting to that. We are all adults, Fam.
- It’s also important not to be deflecting and projecting our ishh, self-awareness guys! It’s always your job to be taking responsibility for yourself.
Let’s try to take it easy this season before the year closes out with Pisces season and we are all drowning in our heaviness – LOL again, i kid!
Video Credit: Cruella | Disney Movies