Pisces Season 2023 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid
February 19, 2023Something about Pisces season makes me want to clutch my amethyst and belt out/cry to “Purple Rain”.
We have officially entered the last sign of the Zodiac and are closing out this Zodiac year.
Pisces season begins on February 19, 2023, and flows along until about March 19, 2023. This is always a very surreal time, very fluid and dreamlike.
What does the double fish have for us this year . . .
Pisces, as I mentioned, is the last sign of the Zodiac.
I often refer to this time as the bridge, as it is the connection between the spiritual and physical worlds both in the physical and within us.
Pisces is a mutable water sign and ruled by the outer planet Neptune.
Together, Pisces and Neptune rule the 12th house, the “House of Karmic Debts”.
This encompasses our…
- subconscious,
- dreams,
- the archetype of the person we have come here to serve who is our mirror,
- spirituality,
- karma or the culmination of our soul’s experiences,
- deep rooted fears and desires and the unseen.
Again, a very fluid state where not much is certain and everything is up for interpretation.
- Pisces themselves are usually quite the nice folk, enjoy romance, even have those rose-colored glasses on about most situations and people.
- When spiritually connected they are the most psychic and intuitive sign, to the point they spend a lot of time in their upper chakras and not much grounding. In fact, grounded in reality is the last thing I would call them. They literally absorb the energy of others.
- They are so sensitive, so things like grounding and rest are a MUST. Oftentimes they use rest as an excuse to hibernate away and not deal with life.
- Pisces like to play out alternate realities in their heads and often get caught up in them, not really able to tell real life from fantasy.
- They are quick to play victim and are known to get caught up in escapism and addiction.
- Here’s the thing: They have an incredible secret super power. If they can be aware of their actions and form healthy boundaries, they can transmit this energy into such creative outlets. (Creative can look like anything from painters to bakers!)
- Some famously creative Pisces include RiRi, Erykah Badu, Kurt Cobain, Elizabeth Taylor and Albert Einstein- that is one eclectic line up!
How can we navigate the watery emotions of this dual sign?
Well, thankfully all retrogrades and their shadows have lifted bc Pisces season is foggy enough!
Fam, this is the time of year to be connecting back to your spirituality in a deep way.
- Spending time in meditation has many benefits this season. It allows you to hear your Highest Self and guides as well as make sense of things when they seem out of sorts, which happens a lot around this time.
- Make time to practice with your divination tools. JOURNAL!. Oh man, such a great tool to have during this season. So wonderful for when you feel stuck or confused.
- If your dreams seem more intense or impactful, consider a dream journal to be able to come back to. The symbols will be very important.
- Don’t take anything for face value. We recommend working with amethyst and our Psychic Purple Candle to open or unblock your third eye. Angels and guides will feel very close, access this opportunity.
- Also, anything that is feeling like a block to you is a wonderful opportunity to tap into your creativity.
- Turn this confusion or pain into something beautiful. You are the alchemist.
Not only is grounding your energy important during Pisces season, so is cleansing especially with water (salt, lavender, crystals are a great add on).
- If you absorb others’ energy easily you want to protect yourself rather than become a shut-in who can’t leave their bed.
- Self-awareness is your best friend and so are boundaries so you don’t fall into the trap of being the victim or completely lying (to yourself and others) and believing those lies.
- Try to stay present, try to see reality for what it is rather than being blind to things and get lots of rest!
Remember, Pisces season is an ending… reflect on that.
The Zodiac New Year, the Rebirth, Aries Szn, Ostara and the Spring Equinox are on the horizon!
Artist credit @rubberdei