Venus Season 2023: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 20, 2023 Off By Fire and Lux

Venus, our planet of the Divine Feminine, is making her Rx tour this year from July 22nd – September 3rd.

Venus only goes retrograde every 18 months or so, and stays Rx for about 6 weeks. Remember Fam, in every Rx challenge is a lesson…

Y’all are probably pretty familiar with Lady V, but I’ll brief you, just in case 😉

  • Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and Libra. She rules over all things
    • Love
    • Relationships
    • Money
    • Possessions
    • Beauty
    • Aesthetics
    • Creativity
    • and even our self-worth and self-value.
  • She invokes the Goddess and exudes sensuality, femininity and grace.
  • The Empress card in the tarot, who is also ruled by Venus, is a beautiful depiction of her embodiment.

Leo, the lion, is the 5th sign of the zodiac, a Fixed Fire sign ruled by the Sun.

Leo and the Sun together, ruled the 5th house, “The House of Self Expression or The House of Pleasure”.

  • Leo is BIG BIG NRG! Everything about Leo has a dramatic, exaggerated flair to it- in both good and not-so-good ways, lol.
  • Leo was born to be in the spotlight. They are warm, generous, kind-hearted, romantic and big kids.
  • They thrive on attention, being honored, being spoiled – they love a grand gesture.

Leo is here to share their talents in big ways. The Leo journey is to learn to enjoy the pleasure of life, have fun, express themselves how it makes them feel the most alive and love deeply.

  • But, like all the other signs, when out of alignment, their shadows can also be BIG. They can be complete drama queens, emotionally needy, self-centered to the point they cannot see beyond themselves, consumed with pride, superficial and ruled by the ego.

How can we expect Venus Rx in Leo to play out?

Retrogrades are challenging because they are bringing to the surface what parts of us or our lives we haven’t been tending to, whether that is consciously or unconsciously.

  • Venus Rx is infamous for exes reemerging. With the Leo aspect, they are going to be emotionally clingy, want all of your attention and probably only (still…hello, ex for a reason!) care about themselves.
  • If you are in a relationship, fireworks could be on the horizon as the drama tends to flare up and the pride can keep us from meeting our partner in the middle.
  • Try your best to be self-aware when it comes to being a know-it-all or no one can tell you nothin’, because where does that honestly get you? Ego has no place in a relationship of higher consciousness, which is what we are all hopefully growing toward. Ask yourself this: is it better to be right or better to have peace?
  • Overspending and indulging in luxury items can also be common. Which, we don’t judge ya for, we all like nice things! But be aware of overdoing it, buying out of your spending limit and not being financially organized.
  • And of course, the dramaaaaaaa. There’s no need to make mountains out of molehills to get your point across. Seriously, eye roll! LOL!
  • As well, as an actual personal advisory, avoid drastic changes to your looks. Don’t cut bangs yourself, don’t get cheap botox and don’t get a tattoo you haven’t truly thought about. It can get effed up or you will regret it. I don’t make the rules, the Rx does!

Some tips that can truly help you navigate this dysfunction (lol)- working on your inner child healing.

  • Leo is a big kid at the end of the day and reparenting, play, being present, slowing down, honoring your needs can help you reconnect with that and embrace pleasure and joy, as well as self-forgiveness and heart chakra healing.
  • Try some gentle mirror work or journaling. Self-love is always the highest love and vibration of all love and healing, we can get to that through our practices and rituals of love, grace and compassion.

Well FireandLux Fam, the Rx months are always a handful, but that’s what ya got two hands for 😉

Stay heart-centered and lead with love. You’ve got this!
