Leo Season 2023: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 25, 2023 Off By Fire and Lux

Leo’s you are up, the Sun is in your sign and you are making sure we all know it 😉

Summer is peaking, it’s hot as fire. . .only appropriate we move into the sign the Sun rules, a fire sign at that.

Leo season begins roughly July 23rd and the Sun will be here until the last day of Leo season, August 22nd.

Things are about to heat up!

The lion of the Zodiac, Leo is the 5th sign, a Fixed Fire sign, ruled by the Sun.

Together Leo and the Sun rule the 5th house, the “House of Pleasure” or the “House of Self Expression”.

  • Leo is the heart of the zodiac.
  • They are warm, generous, loving, kind, protective, loyal and romantics.
  • Like the Sun, a Leo in alignment will just naturally shine.
  • They lead with confidence, enjoy attention, have a taste for the regal life, and just enjoy enjoyment!
  • They want to have fun, laugh and be spirited, they seek out things that bring them pleasure.

Leo’s are meant to find that outlet or outlets that allow them to express themselves in a way that they embrace their creative sign and can be as extra as they please.

Embracing their inner child through inner child healing like play, reparenting and being present really helps bring them into alignment.

Leo’s wear their heart on their sleeves, for better or worse.

When out for alignment or the shadows of Leo are being in their ego, drama queens, selfish, unable to see outside themselves and stubborn.

  • It shouldn’t be a surprise they cannot see outside of themselves, they are ruled by the Sun who is supposedly the center of the Universe. So to Leo, they are their own world and everyone else’s too. That Leo pride is strong!

Leo season comes with hope, fun, inspiration, dating and that inner child healing.

  • Leo is fiery and they thrive when their heart is inspired, any heart chakra healing work like self-forgiveness or connecting back to the heart’s center is great to do during Leo season.
  • As mentioned earlier, so is inner child work, which a lot of that is meant to be fun! Play! Create! Meet the needs of you as a child that were not met previously. Be present!

Leo also brings romance on a pretty large spectrum.

  • For one, grand gesture and spoiling a partner is soooo Leo but then again so is sex that is more playful than anything else.
  • Sun gazing is a very Leo and very healing activity, getting that natural vitamin D and improving our vitality.

Leo season is also great to show off a little bit 😉

  • Let your confidence speak for itself! Be bold, be sexy, be fiery, embody those parts of you that make you feel empowered! No shrinking violets this Leo season!
  • Magickally, astrologically and spiritually, Leo season is very potent with the 8.8 Lion’s Gate portal.
  • Focus your intentions on manifestation, wealth, love/romance and material success.

As for the shadows of this season. . . time to check that ego!

Egos get a bad rep but, in all actuality, our egos protected us at one time, so we revert back to those previous methods like control, power, comparison, always being right, validation, go-go-go, defensiveness – because at one time they made us feel safe. It’s time to let that all go.

Lead with love, heal from the heart. Allow your vulnerability to be your strength, not your weakness.

Leo can also make us very self-centered and not see outside ourselves.

  • This may sound harsh, but if you’re in that state of mind: no one cares about what you’re doing LOL
  • Don’t stress your reputation, how you look, is someone talking about you. As 2 of the 4 Agreements State, “take NOTHING personal and don’t make assumptions”. (side note: starting to think that book was meant for the Leo shadows? LOL jk). Self-awareness is your bestie.
  • Finally, save the drama for yo’ mama. We too old Fam!

Remember, the biggest key for Leo is to ENJOY the season!


