Fire and Lux Horoscopes July 30 to August 5, 2023 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

August 3, 2023 Off By Fire and Lux

Welcome August!

The powerful Lion’s Gate portal has opened and we have the super Full Moon in Aquarius. The energy is potent to say the least.

Let’s see what your Sun sign has in store for you this week . . .

Aries (3/20 – 4/21) – Aries, this moon will be a shedding process for you, particularly in regards to old ways and old stories you tell yourself. Sit with this and perhaps do a release ritual with the moon and get lots of rest!

Taurus (4/22- 5/20) – Taurus, so much fixed energy right now! You may feel very comfortable in this energy right now, but don’t let it keep you stagnant or stuck where you are! Growth is always the goal!

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – Gem, this moon wants you to evaluate your friend group. You are social and enjoy the company of others. Sometimes we need to look at them and make sure everyone is aligned to your energy. Those who are not need to be released.

Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Cancer, if you feel like you’re in a tight spot, so to speak, it’s the Universe pushing you to upgrade. You are outgrowing something. Time to consider what you really want for your future.

Leo (7/23-8/22) – Leo, you are feeling vital and capable this week. I am hearing for you to add positive mantras and mirror work to your ritual routine. Boost you right up!

Virgo (8/23-922) – Virgo, you love change TBH. This moon will bring you many shifts. Be open to the changes and just know these shifts are always working FOR you.

Libra (9/23-11/21) – Libra, this moon wants you to embrace your uniqueness. You usually feel comfortable in a partnership but the soul you are alone needs to shine too! Allow this moon to show you that.

Scorpio (10/22-11/21) – Scorpio, you are feeling this potent energy. You love a good supermoon too! Def a good time for you to do a full moon ritual for abundance for your future.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Aquarius usually fairs well for you, Sag. This moon will be your vibe. What or who can you release that has been keeping you stuck in old cycles and patterns?

Capricorn (12/22-1/20) – Cap, this is a moon for you to actually rest! You will work hard all day and night and not complain ​ BUT if you aren’t restoring yourself too, sickness can manifest. Balance is needed!

Aquarius (1/21-2/17) – Aquarius, this moon will ask you to express your true self. The rebel, the weirdo, the misfit – embrace who you are! And keep working on you and your healing!!! The level up is real!

Pisces (2/18-3/19) Pisces, also a moon for you to focus on releasing the traumas of the past that have been weighing you down lately. Let them go so you can look ahead to a bright future.

Artist credit @waikapu!
