When 7 Planets Are Rx By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

August 24, 2023 Off By Fire and Lux

Well, FireandLux Fam, as of Wednesday August 23rd, we officially have SEVEN planets in the cosmos retrograde AF.

Let me preface this with don’t be alarmed, this does happen every year around this time. But let me also preface with this is why this time of year gets so crazy- HA!

Here is the current Retrograde List:

  • Venus Rx in Leo
  • Mercury Rx in Virgo
  • Saturn Rx in Pisces
  • Neptune Rx in Pisces
  • Pluto Rx in Capricorn
  • Chiron Rx in Aries
  • North Node Rx in Aries
  • The inner planets like Mercury and Venus go retrograde more frequently and stay Rx for a shorter time.
    • (Venus goes Rx every 18 months or so and stays Rx usually 6 weeks or so.)
    • (Mercury goes Rx 4 times a year, quarterly for 3 weeks.)
  • Mercury is our communication, schedules, health, thoughts, work life, and travel. Venus is our love, beauty, relationships, possessions, self-worth and self-love.
  • The outer planets, which represent more subconscious and spiritual aspects of us rather than tangible like the inner planets do – They go Rx less frequently but stay in the Rx for an extended period of time.
  • Chiron is our emotional core wound.
  • Pluto is what’s hidden, ours and the world’s shadow sides, it’s the hard transformations we face.
  • Neptune is our subconscious minds, dreams, spirituality and psychic senses.
  • Saturn is our damn karma. (lol)

The simple astrological answer for these times and durations is that the inner planets travel and rotate at a faster speed than the outer planets.

And although the North Node is not technically a planet, it is an aspect of the moon so we count it here and when we reference stelliums.

  • The North Node is our destiny, what we are leaning toward and trying to embrace in this life.

Ever notice the last part of the year is a little bonkers? Politics go wild, “aliens” are real, riots and disagreements are more common . . Well this is all directly timed and related to the fact that the cosmos are also supporting this bonkers energy.

Personally, this can be a very challenging time for us too.

  • But it’s important we remember retrogrades happen for us. They bring shadows to light we wouldn’t otherwise see or are avoiding. They are asking us to reflect and review things in our inner and outer world because a change is most likely needed. Do not have fear around them, they are our opportunity for lessons to be integrated.

Support yourself through grounding, meditation, your magick practices and allow self-awareness to be your BFF and you’ll be just fine Fam!

It’s ON!

Artist credit: @dustinhollywoodphoto


