Aries Season by Erin The Urban Mermaid

March 21, 2024 Off By Fire and Lux

With the absolute greatest of pleasure, I wish you all a very Happy Zodiac New Year, FireandLux Fam!!!!

March 19th (this year) marks Ostara and the Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season, the new year.

Always such a beautiful time in astrology. A fresh start, new opportunities and beginnings are all within our reach.

Let’s get up close and personal with this season.

  • Number One.
  • The beginning.
  • The infant.
  • The starting line.

The cardinal fire sign of Aries is the first stop on the sun’s journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Aries is ruled by the Emperor or the Divine masculine himself, Mars, and together, the two rule over the first house.

The first house is commonly known as the “House of Self” because that’s exactly what it pertains to, nothing but one’s self.

  • Self-image,
  • personal reflection,
  • your identity,
  • outward appearance,
  • traits
  • and characteristics.

Aries at their best are loyal, funny, gung-ho, noble, independent, confident, knowledgeable, quick, and don’t stay mad very long despite a bit of a fiery temper.

  • They are true leaders, act passionately from inspiration and warriors.
  • They have energy for days, one of the reasons they are quite childlike.
  • At their worst they are selfish, know-it-alls, brazen, irritable, irrational, controlling, competitive, bossy, argumentative, and behave literally like children, so they can be a little bratty!

When you think of Aries, understanding the traits of the Divine Masculine which are more action oriented or instinctual will be a most accurate depiction of their character.

They have a lot to learn being the first sign but the brain power, passion and gusto to do it!

For as “blah” or “meh” as the year leaves off in the last two weeks of Pisces season, Aries swoops in bringing positive energy, drive to take action, inspiration fueling through your system and heart!

It’s like that first breath of life after regaining consciousness after being unconscious or in a coma, (cough cough pisces!)

This is a season to step confidently into your personal power and lead.

You are a leader! Embody that and watch your whole frequency shift.

  • It’s a season to claim your personal sovereignty and independence.
  • You need no one but yourself. Nothing lies externally. It’s all within you.

It’s also a time to ask yourself…

  • What inspires you?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are you willing to fight for?
  • How can you be more confident?
  • What is your idea of leadership?

Aries season is our yearly opportunity to begin again. This means the world is your oyster and nothing but opportunity lies ahead. You are a fearless leader – go for it!

  • Aries have a tendency to make everything about them, so being a me-me-me is something to be wary of in this season.
  • Include others,
  • listen openly,
  • don’t make everything about you.

Tempers and patience can be very short with this fire sign. Try not to let having a short fuse get the best of you. I always think of the ACDC song TNT when I think of the Aries season’s short fused energy.

Also focus on finding a happy medium between control and surrender, competition and laziness, and being funny and being mean – fire sign season can give ya a good honest roast and not even give AF!

Particularly watch your need for independence pushing others to the side or out of the way. You don’t mean that and it leads to hurt feelings.

  • Find the happy medium.

Same for the child-like behavior, Being a brat isn’t even cute on kids, so self-awareness and admitting to yourself you can be wrong is a huge lesson..

This is day one in a blank page 366-day journal, Fam. Write your best story!

Artist credit: @thinloth
