Cancer Season 2024 by Erin The Urban Mermaid

June 19, 2024 Off By Fire and Lux

From busy Gemini to emotional Cancer, the Sun has once again relocated its place as we journey through the zodiac to the fourth sign.

We will spend June 20th – July 22nd in Cancer season with lots going on in the cosmos…

Cancer, the Mother of the Zodiac and one of the Divine Feminines, ruled by the Moon herself is the 4th sign of the Zodiac and a Cardinal Water sign. Together, the Moon and Cancer rule over the fourth house, the “House of Family” which also includes our roots, ancestors and lineages that make up who we are.

Cancer is the empath of the zodiac, their feels are so deep and so feely and so much, but that is also their gift.

  • Cancer thrives in their own home, which is their kingdom.
  • They are known to make it their sacred spaces of retreat, have kitchens that they can cook nourishing meals in and the kind of home you make memories raising a family in, which they love to do.
  • They love to care for and nurture others, almost overbearingly so at times, but that is the Mother within them.

Cancer loves deeply, like the depths of the ocean.

  • They have a secret super power of being incredible community leaders and intuitive business people due to their way of reading others’ emotions.

They usually do best by their own element of the water, finding it soothing and cleansing.

  • Their emotions often reflect the ebbs and flows of the tides, coming in and out at different speeds.

Cancer is a lot like their symbol the crab, tough on the outside but a softy on the inside.

  • They don’t love confrontation nor are they very accountable and often side step through things like that, much like the crab and throw you little pinches.
  • They are prone to living in the past and letting nostalgia get the best of them.
  • Because their emotions are so strong, that is often for better or worse, and they use outside substances to help escape the drowning of their feelings.

Cancer season is about family and the home.

Whether it is being at home to connect more with family, improving your home and upgrading or just finding your home to be your solace, as they say – home is where the heart is. A Cancer probably said that.

  • Nourish yourself with comfort foods, find time to rest at home, it’s definitely a season of self-care- particularly emotionally.

This is a season of heavy emotions and that can be tough to navigate for some.

  • Having healthy boundaries and holding yourself accountable are a must.
  • Finding an outlet that supports you whether that be therapy or sound healing- whatever works for you, is always a good idea.

If you don’t already know much about your roots or connect with your ancestors, Cancer is the season to do so.

  • Create an altar for them with things that honor them and your heritage. Bring them offerings like candles or the things they enjoyed in life. Express your gratitude to them for always supporting you from the heavenly realms.
  • Anytime you can be by water and allow it to wash over you and cleanse you- this can be done in the shower or the bath too! Now is the time.

Avoid getting stuck in memories of the past or letting them carry you away by doing your best to present and feel the feels, not numb them.

Cancer can have us stuck in our feels, but we have the power within us to not let this get the best of us. We’ve all been doing the work- right, fam?! 😉

Artist credit @fireandlux
