Candle Magick 101

June 16, 2021 Off By Fire and Lux

No one knows the real origin of candles for intentions but archeologists found evidence of candle holders in Egypt in the 4th century BCE.

The Catholic Church likely took the use of candles from ancient tradition that was being practiced in Coptic and Orthodox forms of Christianity and other pagan traditions.

St. Radegund who lived in the 6th century CE talked about lighting candles equal to one’s own height in what he called “measuring” to a saint.

In paganism, candles used the energy of fire to transform one’s intentions into being.

We practice candle magick every birthday when we make a wish and blow out the candles on our cakes.

So how do you incorporate candles into your own practice?

There are several ways one can incorporate candle ceremony.

I personally like to use the long candles that come in glass holders common for Catholic and Santeria practice.

If these are your traditions you can choose a saint that is in correlation with your intentions and utilize a candle with that saint.

Other candles with Greek Gods, iconic figures, and even just plain colors are readily available in this form.

There are also smaller wax candles that can be rolled easier in herbs and oils.

If you’re working with the glass-contained candles it is best to sprinkle a bit of the oil and herbs on the top.

Step 1. Choose your candle; either pick a saint or icon that resonates with you, or work with the color of the chakra that’s governing your intentions
Example: For love use green or pink for the heart chakra; to ace a test use indigo for your third eye chakra or lavender for your crown chakra

Step 2. Clean the candle – the glass candles can be wiped down with rubbing alcohol, non-contained wax candles can be wiped with a damp water cloth

After physically cleaning the candle, use palo santo smoke or spray to eliminate any other energies that the candle picked up in the supply chain

For glass-contained candles I personally use nag champa incense and go around the glass rim clockwise three times

If you have another cleansing ritual, feel free to use what feels right for you

Step 3. Write your intention on a piece of paper, which you will then fold and glue to the bottom of the container or holder

As always, be specific and concise with your intention and always thank Source or the universe for making it so.

[Optional step. Dress your candles.
Some people like to use essential oils that are in line with their intentions, or blessed oils such as those that can be found at botanicas. After dressing your candle with some oil, you can also roll the candle in herbs that match your intentions or sprinkle some of those herbs on top
Ex. Marjoram oil or herbs for money, Virgen de Guadelupe oil for family love or children, etc.]

Step 4. Light the candle
In my practice I was taught to ONLY use wooden matches for this particular piece. Of course every practice and practitioner is different.

Swipe the wooden match toward you, not away from you (do this at your own risk and discretion). This prevents other external energies from being attracted to the flame and helps keep your setting pure with your intention only.

Step 5. Interpret the flame
Flame interpretation like other practice is open to intuition but here are some tips for interpreting
A red or yellow flame suggests that earthly or mundane energy is the driving force behind the intention while a blue flame suggests a spiritual presence or intention
A tall flame means the goal of the candle will push through obstacles
A dancing flame means the intention setter may encounter difficulties, in this case other recommendations may be made
Some candle practitioners incorporate shamanic elements into the candle readings
If the flame flickers toward the North, the obstacle is physical
If it flickers toward the South, there is also physical energy around the intention but it will be more successful than a North bound flame
If the flame flickers or bends toward the west there are deep emotions around the intention
If the flame is toward the East the mental part of the spell or intention is successful

If you need more force for your goal, it is always good to utilize candle grids and arrangements which can be similar to the concept of crystal grids.

You can choose from a variety of patterns and place candles of various colors that match your intentions.

For example, maybe your goal is to find your career. That requires the head chakra, third eye chakra, and heart chakra to work together to find a job that is in alignment with your passion. In this case you’ll want to mix green/pink, indigo, and violet candles.
Because three candles are in use I would do an infinity symbol arrangement with crystals of the same colors and put the candles at the two ends and middle point, or line the candles up in a line of three in a similar fashion while binding them together with an infinity symbol.

Author of the article is Briana Ghaffery and you can follow her @brianaghaffery

For all business inquiries Briana can be reached at