Mercury X Aquarius and Capricorn by: Erin The Urban Mermaid
January 12, 2022Mercury Retrograde is back as of January 14, 2022, FireandLux fam, and we are in for a bit of a bumpy ride.
From January 14, 2022 – January 25, 2022, Mercury will be in the sign of Aquarius and from January 25, 2022 – February 3, 2022, it will shift to Capricorn.
This shift from Air signs back to Earth signs will be the trend for 2022 every time Mercury goes retrograde, which is FOUR times in SIX signs this year! Not really the kinda BOGO we signed up for, but alright fam, we’ve got a lot to unpack here. . .
We all have a pretty good grasp on the planet Mercury and what it rules, but let’s do a little review!
Mercury is the natural ruler of Gemini and Virgo and their coordinating houses, the third house (communication) and the sixth house (health/habits). Mercury is about communication and consciousness, the merging of the throat and crown chakras. It rules over the details of things like our schedules, daily routines and paperwork, as well as short term travel and trips, technology, our dreams, how we speak, listen and write and how we process information. This may seem like mundane things, but when you think about it, it’s not fun to have a wrench or a retrograde creating chaos in any of these areas!
And to debrief y’all real quick on Aquarius and Capricorn. . .Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, a Fixed Air sign, ruled by Uranus. Together Uranus and Aquarius rule the 11th house, the “House of Friendship”.
Aquarius is a visionary, a rule breaker, a rebel and a freedom seeker. Aquarius does wonderful in groups of people. They have a secret super power of staying calm in chaotic situations. When not in alignment they can be emotionally detached, aloof, bratty and selfish.
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac and it is ruled by Saturn. Cap is a Cardinal Earth sign. Saturn and Capricorn rule the 10th house which is the “House of Social Status”. Capricorn is motivated, ambitious, a provider, a go getter, not scared of hard work in order to achieve success and big goals. They are the old souls of the zodiac, grounded, elegant and sophisticated. The shadows of Capricorn show up as workaholics, somber, boring, materialistic, obsessed with their reputation and cold.
What is up with the backwards shifting from Air signs to Earth signs?
When Mercury begins in an Air sign, things become very mental and we can get trapped in our heads. As it shifts over to an Earth sign, we still kind of carry that energy of the swords (tarot) but the focus comes to tangible and material things (literally things) such as money, possessions, homes and our jobs or careers. No one, and I mean no one, likes to obsess about these kinds of things.
And here’s the thing fam – the more we stay in a worried or anxious state about money or our jobs, the more we put that vibration out into the Universe.
So it will basically be our jobs not to put this energy out there so we don’t manifest anything we don’t want! MR in Aquarius will have us caught in the cycle of overthinking and blocking us from flowing or receiving. Our dreams might be very vivid and leave us feeling restless the next day.
We can also expect the hiccups aspect of Mercury Retrograde to happen in our homes, we all know how annoying it is when a pipe bursts or the fridge breaks, and at our jobs, try to avoid smack talking at the water cooler. As for our money, now is a great time for financial organization, we prefer to say this instead of “budget” which has really become such a low vibrational term. Creating some sort of a safety net account is really a priority now more than ever.
Be wary of signing anything like a loan, contract or agreement that entails your money. Make sure you thoroughly review it a few times.
Believe it or not, Mercury Retrograde is a mirror to us. When things break or go haywire or get confused it means it wasn’t working properly to begin with and needed to be replaced or updated. It also forces us to slow down and take a bird’s eye look at things we weren’t paying enough attention to before. If a contract doesn’t work out, we have to realize that it happened for our highest and best and not to devastate us. If you find yourself in a lot of miscommunications during this period, maybe you need to take the space to revisit the conversation and give it some time. Perhaps thinking it over sheds new light to what had transpired.
Staying grounded and not getting caught up in overthinking will help us get through this one! Let it all flow, it is all happening FOR you FireandLux fam!