Fire and Lux Horoscopes July 17 to July 23, 2022 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 18, 2022 Off By Fire and Lux

Cancer season comes to a close at the end of this week and as I’m sure every Leo has made known to you, Leo season begins!

This is a transition from our emotions directly into our heart space and a call back of our power.

Let’s see what your Sun sign has in store for you this week . . .

Aries (3/20 – 4/21) – Let’s call a spade, a spade, fire signs thrive during fire sign seasons. Aries this month is no different. You will feel invigorated and rejuvenated this week and ready to dive into all the grandness Leo season has to offer.

Taurus (4/22- 5/20) – Taurus, you too do well during Leo season due to the fixed nature of the sign. Heart feels and heart healing is on the menu for you this week. It feels good to advise you to work with some rose quartz directly over your heart chakra.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – You’re kinda digging the dramatic flair that Leo season enters with. Something about the dynamic feeling of the shift has sparked that little love for new things and opportunities you have. Keep your options open, Gemini.

Cancer (6/21-7/22) – As we spend the last few days in your sign, now is a time of reflection for you Cancer. The emotions that ebbed and flowed, and where you feel you are with it all now. Take the time to discern and understand it all before the sun shifts to Leo, for your own clarity.

Leo (7/23-8/22) -Not like we even have to tell you Leo.. . lol but it’s your season LionHeart! You are prepping for your strongest, most powerful and most vital few weeks of the year. It is your time, utilize it to your fullest. (And not just to remind everyone it’s your birthday lol)

Virgo (8/23-922) – The energy shift this week feels good for you, Virgo. You start to feel a little more life in your blood and a bit of a fire under your booty. Health is really coming through strongly for you, perhaps heart health? Consider looking into this, I’m getting eating heart healthy, heart centered workouts and supplements for the heart and circulation.

Libra (9/23-11/21) -You are never one to pass up an opportunity to show off a tad, are ya Libra? These Leo vibes have you dressing your best, making your hair and skin look good and even draw attention to your best features. We are here for it for you, Libra.

Scorpio (10/22-11/21) – Leo energy can be a bit tough for you Scorpio. Although you are both fixed signs, Leo is much too outrageous and flashy for your taste. You prefer a low key kinda vibe. Maybe Leo is here to teach you it’s safe to be a bit more in the spotlight and show yourself off. Get out of the shadows, Scorpio!

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – You finally feel like you have ARRIVED, don’t you Sagittarius. A weight has been lifted, you have your ish together and physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually you are in a good place. Keep up these vibes, you are unstoppable!

Capricorn (12/22-1/20) – This is a week of closing out for you, Capricorn. Whatever needs to end with Cancer season let it die. Leo season promises to bring a lot for you but you must truly hard close it out by working through Cancer’s residuals.

Aquarius (1/21-2/17) – Leo season is pushing you to stand out in the crowd, Aquarius. While you are known for being unique, you don’t always love the attention that comes with. Give yourself permission to SHINE.

Pisces (2/18-3/19) – I am getting a little bit of resistance for you this week, Pisces. What are you fighting back and not allowing the space for? The more you resist, the stronger the “stuck” feeling is. Time to grow through it.

*These horoscopes are based on your Sun sign. If it does not resonate with you, check your natal chart for your Moon and Rising sign, one of those or a combination of all three might be a better fit. Dates for the signs vary from year to year, if you are born close to a cusp check your chart to see which sign you fall into, although most likely, traits of both will apply.
