Chiron Retrograde 2022 by: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 21, 2022 Off By Fire and Lux

Another long retrograde comin’ in hot for us, FireandLux Fam.

Starting July 19, 2022, through December 23, 2022, Chiron the “non planet” will be retrograde and for a cosmo that isn’t an actual planet, this retrograde is quite impactful.

Lest we forget, the outer planets already Rx, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune, along with Uranus and Jupiter who will be joining the party soon enough.

Chiron has a lot of history and backstory to it. The roots of Chiron go way back to ancient Greek mythology.

Chiron was a centaur who was rejected by his mother as she was not a willing participant in his conception. His real father was the God Kronos and he took on horse form when pursuing his mother. Therefore, her labor was excruciating. A human giving birth to half man, half horse and he served as a reminder of the horrific incident, so she abandoned him.

Chiron was adopted as a God by Apollo, after enduring the trauma of being rejected (the OG of childhood wounds), and accepted by the Gods.

He pushed himself to excel at everything Apollo taught him including the healing arts, which he would use to help others, the typical overachiever behavior to cover his wounds. Chiron was both wise and sensitive. Later in life he acquired an excruciating injury during a scuffle caused by another warrior that would haunt him eternally as he was immortal. Despite all the healing modalities he had learned, he could not cure himself and suffered.

Chiron eventually exchanged his immortality in a deal with Zues so he would no longer have to bear the pain.

This little asteroid Chiron was appropriately named after this Greek tale. In astrology, Chiron represents our core emotional wound, our childhood traumas that develop in the early parts of our life and we carry on with us. It’s the thing we are so good at helping others with, but can’t quite help ourselves.

Chiron stays in each sign a few years and sometimes will go back and forth between signs, depending on the degree it is stationed and retrogrades.

At the moment, we have had Chiron in Aries since 2019 (with a slight drop in that occurred in Summer 2018) and we are heading into the annual retrograde period.

How will this retrograde impact us?

  • Chiron’s wounds hit deep – these are our core emotional wounds.
  • Chiron’s wound is like the proverbial onion we are always meant to peel back and find another layer, usually while crying.

This is a time to be focusing on YOU. Partially because this retrograde is in Aries which is a sign that represents the self (Aries rules the first house, the “House of Self”) and partially because you can only work on yourself.

You cannot save, fix, heal or therapy anyone else but you.

Triggers may arise in regards to one of the most philosophical questions one could ever ask oneself: who am I and what is my Divine purpose?

As souls, we are constantly growing and transforming, therefore shedding old images and belief systems of ourselves and Chiron RX is giving you the mirror to do this. (Thanks for the assist!) This can make for a very emotional time. Often, we don’t give ourselves the space to grieve the death of our past self, perhaps this is your sign to do so.

But don’t let Aries sense of urgency or impulse rush you through healing or reflection.

  • Chiron is a reminder that healing is painful but it’s more of a blessing than a curse, a lesson than a prison sentence.
  • Have grace and patience with yourself and your wounds.
  • If we didn’t have retrograde transits like this, we would have the opportunity to do the work.
  • It may seem superficial, but also because it is an Aries transit, triggers regarding both looks and confidence can arise.

Again, see this as a gift.

In order to pinpoint what aspect of your life Chiron in Aries will affect, take a look at your natal chart! This will give you clearer guidance to process this time of emotions. 

Yes, this is a messier Rx, but that just means the work NEEDS to be done FireandLux Fam.
