Fire and Lux Horoscopes June 2024 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

June 5, 2024 Off By Fire and Lux

June is a magickal month featuring the Summer Solstice, Gemini and Cancer Season, and a New Moon in Gemini and a Full Moon in Capricorn.

The Sun fuels our energy and vitality and most of us are starting to feel energetically super charged!

Let’s see what your Sun sign has in store for you this month . . .

Aries (3/20 – 4/21) – Aries, this is a goal setting month for you, particularly in the business, success, material world realm. It’s big coins energy for you with that Capricorn moon bringing out your cardinal nature. Think long term, use the moon energy to release anything holding you back from success.

Taurus (4/22- 5/20) – Taurus, when the Sun is in Cancer, you do quite well. Face it, you like to feel comfortable and Cancer season is comfortable for you. You may find yourself enjoying time at home, resting, cooking meals and just chillen out. Restoring your energy is just as vital to you as “doing”. Restore!

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – Loads of Gemini energy at the beginning of this month, which means forward movement for you, Gem. Whatever was keeping you at a standstill previously will be removed and your roads opened. I’m getting big 6 of swords energy here, 6 corresponding with the June month too. Get ready to move!

Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Cancer, now is the time for you to get ish done! Although you are a Moon Child, the Sun’s energy can be very motivating for you. You will have a very busy summer ahead and it’s best to use this time to get on top of what you need, do not procrastinate!

Leo (7/23-8/22) – Leo, the Summer Solstice is your jam! The sun is your superpower! Take advantage of this day in ceremony, particularly candle magick. Whatever it is you feel you need, use this day to super charge those intentions and yourself.

Virgo (8/23-922) – Virgo, your logical approach to basically everything is extra this month, must be that Mercurial influence. But it has you feeling very on point and listening to your intuition. Try not to get absorbed in minor details and derailed from tuning in. Try some meditation for focus and clarity.

Libra (9/23-11/21) – Libra, your love life is heating up this month! Must be the Sun! If you are in partnership, make it a priority to spend quality time connecting with that person. If you are single, it’s a great time to date around and meet new people. You will be busy but for you, this is fun!

Scorpio (10/22-11/21) – Scorpio, this is simply not the time of year you thrive lol be weary of your emotions getting the best of you in Cancer season. Stay grounded and not stuck in the overwhelm of your feelings. Remember, let stuff go, for your own sake.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Sag, this is a great month for some travel for you. Whether it is a big trip or just some short-term visits, your soul kinda needs this to feel inspired again. Be present and enjoy whatever trip you take, have the adventure and have fun!

Capricorn (12/22-1/20) – Cap, you find yourself quite restless this month. Nothing is really calling for you but doing nothing also doesn’t sound like fun. Limbo is an interesting place, it too serves a purpose for us. Embrace the slower pace, it will pick up before you realize.

Aquarius (1/21-2/17) – Aquarius, I am feeling you attending group events. Maybe it is a festival or a concert of sorts but you’re having a great old time amongst like minded individuals. Don’t say no to any invitations this month! Go have an experience!

Pisces (2/18-3/19) – Pisces, you’re flowing on through this month. I am even feeling you do more flowy like activities, swimming, yoga, painting. . .nice and gentle but so soothing to your soul. Embrace the ease.

Artist credit: @fireandlux
