Leo Season 2024 by Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 23, 2024 Off By Fire and Lux

As the Sun continues its journey through the zodiac, it leaves watery and emotional Cancer and enters bold and flamboyant Leo, where it is at home.

The Sun will be in its home base from July 22nd until August 22nd and bringing the heat!

Live by the Sun… Leo, the 5th sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by the life-giver itself, the Sun.

Together, the Sun and Leo rule the 5th house aka the “House of Self Expression” which also encompasses creativity, confidence, pleasure and all things children including inner-child healing and playing.

Leo is a fixed Fire sign who is fueled by passion and creativity. You can always spot the Leo in the room! They embody confidence and drama and beauty and heart centeredness – kinda hard to miss lol

Leos are EXTRA and always do it BIG – that’s why we love them.

  • At their best Leo is loyal, warm, generous, romantic, confident, creative and fun! Leo is meant for the spotlight and they love attention and being flattered.
  • They will always make a grand gesture and expect the same in return.
  • The journey of Leo is to come into their heart space and feel with the utmost authenticity and rawness- they embody lead with love.

But their shadows are pretty ick – lol no offense lions!

  • Leo can be selfish, stubborn and completely unable to see outside themselves.
  • Much like the Sun, Leo truly believes they are the center of all Universes.
  • Their ego is their Achilles heel and often their worst shadow.

It is time to come back to your heart this Leo season.

 Heart chakra healing with self-forgiveness and opening through self-love is a main theme. So is enjoying life.

Oftentimes we forget our lives are meant to be filled with joy, happiness, pleasure and fun. We get too caught up in the day to day of things, we don’t enjoy it.

  • So take a cue from the kiddos, whom Leo represents, and have fun!
  • Play!
  • Move your body!
  • Express yourself creatively- however that looks to you.

Creativity fuels Leo and allows them to shine. Feel free to express yourself wholly through whatever creative outlet feels good to you.

It is also a season for romance, making a big deal out of your partner or lover. Cherish them, fawn over them, dote over them- and expect the same in return.

It’s also the season to be extraaa! Whatever you do – do it BIG and be proud.

This season is ruled by the Sun so we can all expect to feel more vital and in sync with natural rhythms.

  • Just watch out for being too selfish, bull dozing others and not being able to see anything outside yourself.
  • Emotional cheating is also a well-known Leo shadow, so consider where you seek attention from.
  • And check that ego! It can be hard to hold up the mirror and admit certain things but the chains that bind are the ego and need to be released!
  • Leo can be quite stubborn- don’t be that person!
  • Be open and come from the heart, that’s all Leo asks.

LFG Leo szn!

Artist credit @fireandlux 


