Fire and Lux October Astro-Weather Report

October 10, 2024 Off By Fire and Lux

By Astrologer Gina Kelly

October opens with potent energy as Mercury passes the Sun’s cazimi point, becoming combust—or “eaten” by the sun’s rays—and invisible in the sky. This celestial event grants our thinking and processing a moment of extreme clarity before we move into October’s more commanding energies, most notably the last eclipse in Libra.

Mercury governs our ideas, communication, plans, and strategic thinking. A cazimi moment is a gift: when a planet is in perfect conjunction with the Sun (at the exact same degree to the minute), it is briefly endowed with the Sun’s enormous power of illumination and life-force energy. During Mercury’s cazimi, we experience a moment of clarity so brilliant it’s almost blinding in its intensity. In Libra, Mercury’s focus is on balance, beauty, justice, and relationships. As a result, we may receive a blast of insight, a crystal-clear idea, or a message that unlocks our current frustrations—just in time to provide clear perspective before Wednesday’s transformative eclipse.

Eclipses act as celestial redirects. Where your life choices and path have diverged, an eclipse will course-correct—whether you like it or not. This is why eclipses have long been regarded as times of misfortune, but this is a misunderstanding. They are not unfortunate; they are simply outside the realm of your control. Overall, they aim to bring you out of circumstances that aren’t contributing to your overall good and into experiences that are more fruit bearing. If you retrace the story playing out in your life across recent eclipse dates (April 19 and October 14, 2023; March 25, April 8, and now October 2, 2024), you’ll find that letting go of something is often the healthiest response you can offer.

If you’ve been struggling during Aries and Libra seasons since early 2023, this eclipse should help you identify why. With a clear focus on the South Node, the dominant energy will reveal how you might undermine your progress by focusing on others’ needs, playing the diplomat, or otherwise giving away your power rather than realizing it for yourself.

Homework: To understand how this story has been developing for you, write about events in your life from 2004-2006. Chances are you’re now repeating those lessons at an advanced level. Know your rising sign? Track the houses that this eclipse is happening in for you:

Aries – 7th house – partnerships

Taurus – 6th house – work and health

Gemini – 5th house – romance, sex, children, creativity and self-expression

Cancer – 4th house – ancestors, home, foundation and family

Leo – 3rd house – communication, thinking, short distance travel

Virgo – 2nd house – earned income, personal worth, personal sense of values

Libra – 1st house – identity, self

Scorpio – 12th house – healing, releasing, planning, higher powers

Sagittarius – 11th house – society, friendship, hopes and dreams

Capricorn – 10th house – career, reputation, honors, legacy

Aquarius – 9th house – faith, expansion, foreign lan and travel, publishing, law

Pisces – 8th house – intimacy, the psyche, shared wealth, death and rebirth

Celestial Aspects and Their Influence

Fortunately, during this eclipse, we’re offered a trifecta of supportive resilience with Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune aligning via sextile and trine aspects. These outer planets, which move slowly and whose expressions ripple through the collective, step into formation and alliance as this eclipse perfects, giving us a collective stance of support. Despite what the media says, we are more aligned collectively than we have been in a long while. A grand water trine forms between Saturn, Venus, and Mars, all connecting in a harmonious signal. If astrology were music, this would be quite an emotional symphony. It provides stability, integrity, and adds a reasonable pace to topics of lust and attraction. Someone you meet now could figure into your life with purpose, so keep your eyes open.

With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Lilith, and the South Node all converging in the same degrees of Libra, you can be sure the story developing is based on something raw and potentially liberating in terms of relationship, balance, or justice. However, it requires a new commitment to releasing, letting go, and allowing resolutions to form. Lilith’s presence takes Libra’s energy from its well-behaved politeness and adds a bit of feminine virility that is sometimes feral, sometimes animal, but always powerful. Lilith informing Venus is a potent position, one where all is not in its perfect placement. Power now is in our willingness to say no, like Lilith, to the powers that do not serve us. We are not required to tag along…we are advised to release. Our path is forming. Do not follow one made from standards that aren’t yours.

As Jupiter moonwalks into its retrograde cycle on Oct. 9, we let the lessons of our life steep instead of approaching them full steam ahead. Still in beast mode? Give yourself the space to adjust. Nothing meant for you is gained through force, and the reality of being earth bound means we are beings who live in a time-based reality. The idea is always the seed, and it must be planted in order for the reality it represents to take form. Say what? Slow down. You won’t lose momentum or steam; you’re collecting nutrients for the next cycle of growth. Chill and let the seasons do their thing and you’ll be back to forward motion in no time

The full moon on October 17th is a completely different energy and its theme is ‘challenge’. This full moon activates a cardinal cross in the sky, conjuncts Chiron, and the critical 29th degree gets activate at the same time. With so much going on during this moon, I suggest you keep your schedule light and watch what develops, as planning something important for this moon will be challenging. Frustrations, hidden pain, and endings are hitting a culmination point during this lunation, so adding to the camel’s back is not a wise idea, it could truly break under the pressure. Chiron’s energy is usually felt by a wound being triggered. A full moon is about culmination or something finally coming to pass. The cardinal cross is about highly dominating energies pulling in each direction with no retreat in sight. Watch the world stage for obvious events…this one won’t pass quietly.

Key Dates to Watch

  • October 3rd:Pay special attention as Lilith finds herself in the cazimi position with the sun after the eclipse. Re-wilding your current relationships is the topic at hand; watch for healthy evidence of what’s needed.
  • October 6th:Watch your mouth and your temper as Mercury squares Mars. Avoid saying something you’d quickly regret.
  • October 9th:Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini, giving us all a moment to review the growth we’ve achieved so hard while allowing us to adjust our plans for how to execute the rest. Slow down while the gentle giant moves against the grain until Feb 4 2025, when a direct motion Jupiter reminds us what expansion and luck feels like.
  • October 12th:Pluto goes direct and enters Aquarius for the last time. This marks an enormous life event, as we trade the underbelly of the status quo that Pluto in Capricorn revealed for the power of the people in Aquarius. Over the next 20 years, we’ll witness all that must be exhumed from the collective to bring about a true ‘collective will’. The dark possibilities of technology, along with how it can be turned against society, will be key topics.
  • October 13th:Mercury enters Scorpio, almost a full week before the Sun arrives. Trade balance and fairness for depth and focus. This energy is best used for projects requiring absolute dedication. Your perspectives will shift to see below the surface of any topic. It’s perfect for making and completing lists, but bad for forcing things from others, like commitments.
  • October 17th:The full moon activates a cardinal cross in the sky, conjuncts Chiron, and activates the critical 29th degree. Keep your schedule light and watch what develops. Frustrations, hidden pain, and endings are hitting a culmination point during this lunation. Chiron’s energy is usually felt by a wound being triggered. The cardinal cross represents highly dominating energies pulling in each direction with no retreat in sight. Watch the world stage for obvious events; this one won’t pass quietly.

Theme for the Month

Accept the redirect, solve the to-do list, deep dive for your own projects but watch for obsessively judgmental thinking. Respect divine timing. Do not force the way forward—let it unfold instead. Huge spiritual contracts are now concluding; wait until this process is further along before beginning a new path. The time for that will come next spring. Until then? Prepare. Balance. Observe.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Libra eclipse this month shines a spotlight on your relationships, Aries. You may feel a strong urge to redefine your partnerships and find a new balance between your needs and those of others. The Mercury cazimi at the start of the month brings clarity about your interpersonal dynamics. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, you might experience shifts in your social circles or long-term goals. The full moon in your sign on October 17th could bring a personal matter to a head, requiring you to assert yourself while remaining mindful of others.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

October’s eclipse in Libra may shake up your daily routines and work life, Taurus. You might find yourself reassessing your health habits and work-life balance. The Mercury cazimi could bring a brilliant idea for improving your efficiency or wellbeing. As Pluto transitions into Aquarius, expect potential transformations in your career or public image. The full moon on the 17th might illuminate a need for rest and reflection, balancing your practical nature with your spiritual needs.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The Libra eclipse could spark a creative renaissance for you, Gemini. You may feel inspired to express yourself in new ways or reassess your approach to romance and pleasure. Jupiter in your sign means that since your birthday, you are in a growth spurt phase of life, use the retrograde to reflect on what you’ve experienced so far, and what you’d like to accomplish before it’s over. Mercury’s cazimi moment might bring a flash of creative genius or clarity about a romantic situation. Pluto’s move into Aquarius could deepen your interest in philosophy, travel, or higher education. The full moon might bring a social situation to a climax, asking you to balance your individual creative pursuits with group dynamics.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

October’s eclipse in Libra focuses on your home and family life, Cancer. You might feel compelled to create more harmony in your living space or family relationships. The Mercury cazimi could bring insight into a familial issue. As Pluto enters Aquarius, expect deep transformations in areas of shared resources or intimacy. The full moon on the 17th might bring a career matter to fruition, asking you to balance your professional life with your need for emotional security.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The Libra eclipse this month may revolutionize your communication style, Leo. You could find yourself reassessing how you express your ideas and interact with your immediate environment. Mercury’s cazimi moment might bring a brilliant idea or important conversation. Pluto’s transition into Aquarius could bring profound changes to your closest relationships. The full moon might highlight a need for adventure or learning, asking you to balance your local connections with broader horizons.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

October’s eclipse in Libra shines a light on your finances and values, Virgo. You may feel driven to reassess your resources and what truly matters to you. The Mercury cazimi could bring a moment of clarity about a financial matter. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, expect transformative experiences in your daily work and health routines. The full moon on the 17th might bring a shared financial or intimate matter to a head, requiring you to balance your own resources with those you share with others.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The Libra eclipse this month puts you in the spotlight, dear Libra. You may feel a strong urge to redefine your identity and personal goals, especially in relationships and partnerships. The Mercury cazimi at the start of the month brings a moment of clarity about your path forward, but be prepared for some major shifts as the eclipse energy unfolds. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, you might find yourself exploring new creative outlets or reconsidering your approach to romance and self-expression.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

As Mercury enters your sign on October 13th, Scorpio, you’ll find your mental acuity and intuition heightened to new levels. The Libra eclipse may bring hidden aspects of your psyche to light, offering a chance for deep emotional healing and transformation. With Pluto, your ruling planet, making its final move into Aquarius, you might feel a profound shift in your home life or sense of security. The full moon on October 17th could bring a work or health matter to a head, requiring you to balance your inner world with external demands.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The Libra eclipse may shake up your social circles and long-term goals, Sagittarius. You might find yourself reassessing your place within groups or organizations. The Mercury cazimi could bring a flash of insight about your future direction. As Pluto enters Aquarius, expect transformative experiences in your communication and learning. The full moon might illuminate a creative or romantic matter, asking you to balance your social connections with your personal passions.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

October’s eclipse in Libra puts the spotlight on your career and public image, Capricorn. You may feel driven to redefine your professional goals or how you’re perceived by others. Mercury’s cazimi moment might bring a brilliant career idea or important professional conversation. As Pluto leaves your sign and enters Aquarius, you might experience significant shifts in your values and financial outlook. The full moon could bring a home or family matter to a head, asking you to balance your professional ambitions with your personal life.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The Libra eclipse this month may expand your horizons, Aquarius. You could feel a strong urge to broaden your perspectives through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. The Mercury cazimi might bring a moment of clarity about your personal philosophy. With Pluto entering your sign, you’re embarking on a profound period of personal transformation. The full moon on the 17th might bring a communication matter to fruition, asking you to balance your big-picture thinking with attention to details.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

October’s eclipse in Libra illuminates areas of deep transformation for you, Pisces. You might find yourself reassessing intimate relationships or shared resources. The Mercury cazimi could bring insight into a complex emotional or financial situation. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, expect significant changes in your subconscious patterns and spiritual life. The full moon might highlight a financial matter, requiring you to balance your material needs with your deeper values and connections.

Gina Kelly
School of the Art Institute of Chicago MFA 2017
New Artist Society Fellow
(formerly Weather Maker Press)