Bringing Your Crystals to Life by: Christopher Winters
June 8, 2020In our individualized journeys through the trenches of various metaphysical/esoteric practices, it is inevitable that we encounter the accumulation, and potentially the implementation, of various crystals, stones, and minerals (for the purpose of conventional reading, we will not strain ourselves to discriminate between crystals, stones, or minerals despite each having its own differentiating properties). Whether we’re placing them in our pillow cases or in our purses, wearing them on our person as accessories, or using them in conjunction with sympathetic magick, they will do us little good if we don’t have an understanding of how to make their acquaintance.
An often neglected prerequisite to the effective application of a crystal/mineral/stone’s energy is the actual activation of it itself. We must take the time to “awaken” it, rousing it from its sleep, allowing the flow to spring forth. Asking of a dormant stone does little good. This process can be done in a number of ways, all of them simple, but there are two that I find remarkably effective:
- By the use of Tibetan bells (or any bells, for that matter), we can rouse the crystal/stone/mineral from dormancy. Play the bell just over it, letting the sound flow all around.
- Sounding a meditative gong will also be successful in waking the crystal/stone/mineral. Again, a close proximity is required.
Both methods can be found in the books of Melody if more information is desired. As you might have inferred, Melody (the author of several books regarding crystals) does not provide a last name. It certainly makes for easy remembering.
In my own work, I’ve noticed that attaching a small chunk/ring of iron as the clapper (the part of the bell inside the bowl that makes the ringing) has a profoundly stronger influence upon any crystal/stone/mineral to be targeted.
Once awakened, we will want to take a moment to synchronize our frequency with our new friend. Doing so will also offer us the opportunity to program our crystal/stone/mineral with our intentions, which is paramount if we have any specific purpose in mind.
Synchronization can be achieved via the following technique:
- Place the stone in your non-dominant hand. This hand receives energies, and it will allow them to flow freely as we attempt to achieve a haptic reaction during this exercise.
- Either verbally or in your mind, express gratitude and respect to the stone, thanking it for its presence in your life. Then ask that it now synchronizes with your energies.
- Allow your focus to rest on the stone in your hand. Observe any sensations that begin to appear in your hand and from the stone.
Generally, what could be described as warmth or sparks will be felt racing down the hand, wrist, and into the lower lengths of the forearm. These sensations will vary by the individual, and all experiences are equally valid. Allow yourself plenty of time to experience this energy exchange; you will know when the exercise should end. Once complete, the stone will be ready for whatever intended use, and a salient difference of results should be apparent.