Released in 2011, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon took the iconic Ace Combat series in a new direction, blending the traditional high-speed aerial combat with more grounded, realistic elements. The game takes place in a near-future world where geopolitical tensions escalate into a full-scale war, placing players in the cockpit of advanced fighter jets to defend their country and engage in thrilling dogfights.

What sets Ace Combat: Assault Horizon apart from its predecessors is the Close-Range Assault mechanic, which enhances combat by allowing players to lock on and engage enemies in intense, close-quarters dogfights. This mechanic, along with dramatic cinematic sequences, adds a new level of intensity and immersion. For the first time in the series, players also experience helicopter combat, broadening the range of vehicles and missions available.

The game received praise for its stunning visuals and action-packed gameplay, though some fans missed the more traditional, arcade-style feel of earlier Ace Combat titles. Despite mixed reactions from longtime series followers, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon offers an exhilarating experience for those looking for high-octane aerial combat and a gripping storyline. is one of the best place to Buy Ace Combat Assault Horizon Accounts with low price and good service. All Ace Combat Assault Horizon Accounts we are selling are farmed manually. We provide large stock of cheap Ace Combat Assault Horizon Accounts for you which will help you accelerate your upgrades and save tons of time from grinding. We deliver you Ace Combat Assault Horizon Accounts in a safe and quick way.