Working with the powers of Venusian spirits can be extremely beneficial to us in regards to all that brings love, beauty, kindness, pleasure and concord to our lives. The planetary virtues of Venus can bestow upon soft rays of joy de vivre and blithe or flashing glamorous limelights unto those who invoke these energies.
While I won’t get into detail about invoking or evoking specific spirits or angels of this domain, I will recommend ways to incorporate certain occult virtues into your daily lives and practice.
Who benefits out of using Venusian energy?
There’s a whole array of things that Venus can cover. To be clear, I’m not necessarily talking about the Roman goddess herself, although we can include her as we see fit, but I’m more inclined to discuss the gestalt of this planetary sphere based on Western occult virtues.
Generally, many would pigeon hole Venus to be the mainstay of romance and glamour work. Although they’re not wrong, there’s more that this benevolent planet can provide for us.
- If you’re looking to form new friendships or to strengthen existing relationships (whether romantic or platonic), go to Venus.
- If you pissed off your lover, friend, boss, neighbor, or the old man at the bodega that you frequent, look to Venus for reconciliation work.
- If you desire people to generally be sweet and kind to you because you’re tired of being mistreated, Venus is there for you.
- If you’re an artist or musician and in need of inspiration, this magnificent planet can open your eyes and heart to beauty all around you.
- If you’re looking to conceive, Venus can guide you (this can perhaps manifest in these spirits guiding you to a doctor or medical practitioner that can better assist you in this process).
- If you’re in need of ways to better love and care for yourself, Venus will open the doors for you and guide you through the illustrious waters.
As we can see, all that brings harmony and creation into our worlds, this sphere has got it.
A great way to honor Venusian spirits and the planetary sphere in general is to do more Venusian acts.
This could manifest itself in ways such as taking the time out of your day to groom yourself and to exude beauty in whatever way seems fit for you.
You can start off by doing a simple face mask, doing a spa day, take a sensuous bath, or by simply wearing things that make you feel beautiful or perhaps even sexy. This is focusing on the side of beauty, a well-known facet of Venus.
You can get in touch with your inner artist and create something meaningful and graceful. This is the lens of creation. Spend some time on a Friday (day of Venus) where you get to enjoy some of the finer things in life such as a short commute to your favorite restaurant, museum, or performance venue and take in the artistry that is there for you to savor. This not only covers the scope of creation, but also admiration for what you find exceptional as well as pleasurable.
A very simple Venusian act is spending time with people that you love. It doesn’t have to be a Hallmark moment, but the act of being in union with those that you care about exudes the virtue of harmony.
Having fun or deep sensual sex is also another great way to honor the ambits of this planet.
Eat something sweet, where floral perfumes, go shopping, get your hair done, drink some exquisite wine, the list goes on!
To sum it up, it’s advised to perform acts that evoke beauty, creation, delight, amicability, sensuality, accord, mystique, enchantment, appreciation, etc. etc. etc.
Now that the more practical and mundane aspects have been covered, allow me to mention some ways to honor Venus in your magical practices. We’re not going to cover ceremonial rites, but more so how to implement other sacramental elements into your work.
- If you can afford space and perhaps some Venusian paraphernalia, an altar dedicated to this sphere is a tremendously valuable way to pay homage. Donning an emerald or even a pale green altar cloth is advisable, although not necessary to start off (avoid murky shades of green or highlighter green—colors that promote fertility, life, or exorbitance is highly preferable).
- Flowers such as roses (white, red, or pink), lily of the valley, lilies and tulips (white or colors that are soft) and violets can be adorn on the altar.
- If you’re planning on doing a bouquet, I recommend using the number seven as a reference point (bouquet of seven flowers) as this is also the number that is sacred to Venus.
- If you can offer a copper ore onto the altar, this would be quite favorable as this is the metal for this planet. Stones such as malachite, jade, rose quartz, green jasper, peridot, surprisingly carnelian, and those of a white and green variation work well as adornments.
- Incenses that I personally like to use are a mixture of frankincense, sandalwood, patchouli, and rose, as these are of a sweet variety.
- For my own practice, I pay homage to Archangel Anael, who is of the rulership of Venus, but if you work (or desire to work) with the Roman goddess herself, this next step may help strengthen your relationship with her.
- Recite the Orphic Hymn to Venus on a Friday and preferably during the hours of Venus. Say it once or say it seven times to really mesh into the virtues.
- Light a charcoal disc and use a Venusian incense blend to heighten the experience.
- Light a green chime candle if you feel compelled to draw in more energy.
- Feel the rays of grace emitting onto you as you recite these words of adulation. Even if you do not work with the Roman goddess Venus, saying this hymn will help invite the general energy of this realm into your life.
- After building a rapport with this energetic field, if you desire to include any of your own love work onto this altar, remember to say praise (whether via the Orphic Hymn or with your own wording) and give thanks to these spirits, as they’ll add a boost to your magical workings.
These are just a few ways to introduce yourself to the delightful spirits and sphere of Venus without getting into complex ceremonial operations and tedium.
I believe that by incorporating these methods into your mundane and magical practices will help attract and strengthen your bonds with the virtues and spirits of Venus, which I find to be important if you plan on working with the spirits in the long run.
Along your journey, you’ll be guided to more specific spirits, angels, or perhaps deities (if that’s your thing) of this domain that can better assist you with your goals.
To conclude, do Venusian deeds, get acquainted, and prepare for a life filled with more endearment, favor, and lux.
Author of the article is Nikki Grace and you can follow her at @slowswords_ and @hermercurialstrike