Mercury X Cancer 2021 By: Erin The Urban Mermaid

July 13, 2021 Off By Fire and Lux

On July 11th, 2021 Mercury moved i’s way out of chatty, curious, witty Gemini and into its feels in Cancer, where it will post up until July 27th, 2021.

We are SO welcoming the calm that comes with this transit after the wildest and probably most hectic retrograde period we’ve probably ever seen.

As you all probably know already, Mercury is the planet of communication. It rules over how we process information, speaking, thinking, writing, and even our consciousness. While it was stationed over in Gemini, which it rules, the energy was extra potent. Throw in a retrograde, some eclipses and the nodes and that’s a recipe for chaos!

It’s time for things to settle down a bit as Mercury enters Cancer.

Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is a cardinal water sign and is ruled by the moon.

Together Cancer and the Moon rule the fourth house, the “House of Family”. She is the Mother of the zodiac: the nurturer, the empath, the domestic diva, the sensitive soul. Being a cardinal water sign means Cancer takes actions or initiative based on her emotions. She feels rather than thinks, using her Divine Feminine. Cancer teaches us to trust how we feel, her intuition comes from emotions.

These next few weeks while Mercury is in Cancer, it’s going to be all about the feels.

How can we best communicate our emotions? Speak from your heart, allow yourself to express your vulnerability, and practice compassion and empathy, for yourself and others!

This placement does have a calm to it, as Cancer is much more introverted than Gemini who was the life of the party! You might find yourself feeling quite nostalgic.

Instead of allowing memories to control you, consider this a good time to do some emotional trauma healing. Check in with yourself more, “how does this make me feel”? And trust your feelings that come up and avoid being defensive or snappy. This is a great time to cultivate closeness in relationships, spending quality time with people who truly mean a lot to you. Cancer is a water sign, so everything during this transit will come with depth: deep communication and deep feeling.

And of course, like every other transit, we do have some shadows. Sensitivity will be heightened during this time. With all the emotional depth, it’s important we don’t drown in our feelings. We also don’t want to revisit memories to the point we are living in the past.

Cancer can be cranky and moody on a bad day. Let’s try to recognize that and hold ourselves accountable rather than blaming others. Remember to practice healthy boundaries when it comes to expressing yourself.

If we can stress anything to you FireandLux fam, while Mercury is in Cancer, is to use this time to get more in touch with yourself, your feelings and your needs.

About Erin: Erin is a mother, writer, intuitive empath, 5D soul guide, esoteric healer and spiritual business mentor. She works with empaths and lightworkers on their spiritual journeys in unconscious energy healing and is a psychic tarot and intuitive birth chart reader. Erin is the host of the #groundedandglam Modern Mystics and Motherhood podcast on iTunes and Spotify and you can watch her on her YouTube channel. She is currently doing a Shift Your Vibes Energy Session via Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm PST. Contact her to book any of her services. You can find her at:
